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Playing through NWC NES Edition. Man, Kirby was never meant to be speedran. Hours upon hours trying to get S Rank in all the stages.

I finally did it and now my thumb looks like Kirby...ironically enough.

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KLXVER said:
Mar1217 said:

Fina-freakin-ly ! Must've been difficult to find a wanting publisher for this. I'm surprised Nintendo didn't do the publishing in the end. 

The game looks great. I bought the japanese version just in case this wouldnt happen, but I havent played it yet. Hopefully it gets a physical release here as well.

Just spent an hour or so with the demo, and it didn't disappoint. It very much feels like Goemon in everything but name, from the art style and presentation, to the music, to the gameplay.

KLXVER said:

Playing through NWC NES Edition. Man, Kirby was never meant to be speedran. Hours upon hours trying to get S Rank in all the stages.

I finally did it and now my thumb looks like Kirby...ironically enough.

Next your thumb is gonna suck =O

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

KLXVER said:

Playing through NWC NES Edition. Man, Kirby was never meant to be speedran. Hours upon hours trying to get S Rank in all the stages.

I finally did it and now my thumb looks like Kirby...ironically enough.

Is it bad that I wanna see that? XD

CaptainExplosion said:
KLXVER said:

Playing through NWC NES Edition. Man, Kirby was never meant to be speedran. Hours upon hours trying to get S Rank in all the stages.

I finally did it and now my thumb looks like Kirby...ironically enough.

Is it bad that I wanna see that? XD

Its was just a bit pinkish. Im mostly fine now. lol

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KLXVER said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Is it bad that I wanna see that? XD

Its was just a bit pinkish. Im mostly fine now. lol

Aww, thought you meant it somehow even had a Kirby face. XD

Just gonna leave this small image here and yeah....its whatever.

KLXVER said:

Just gonna leave this small image here and yeah....its whatever.

Now that's what you call 

A Gamer™️ moment !

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Btb, tonight is tonight is the release of the 1st part of the demo for Emio The Smiling Man !

Can't wait to soak in the atmosphere

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

So, what's everyone hoping will be in the Nintendo Museum?