curl-6 said: Just played through the first hour of Bayonetta 3. Anyone else pick it up? |
My post in the other thread.
"Five chapters in so still quite early in the game but it has clearly gone off in a wild new direction compared to the prior games this is like the way DMC3 although retained the identity of the series it full on went off in a different direction to where the previous games were heading. DMC3 is the best comparison because like it B3 has a big shift in how you conduct combat and the implementation of new mechanics over older ones:
- Firstly weapons seem to now be a full set as in you don't mix and match by equipping one on your hands and another on your feet to make a set with the able to have two sets at a time that they can switch between on the fly instead in B3 each weapon is now a set in itself.
What this means is although the were some interesting combinations in prior games the second game showed some weapons couldn't be equipped to both hands and feet they were exclusively for one only so in B3 the weapons have more defined move sets specifically for them and unique abilities unlike a lot of the weapons in prior games will get into those later. You still have two sets at a time.
- This game's combat starts of as a cross between the first two games then runs off in its own direction, in B1 you piece together parts of the system to define your way of combat in the game, in B2 you have this overarching system that you bend to how you play while in B3 however you have elements of both approaches but you micromanage the new mechanics around it which leads to a more technical approach to combat.
- To highlight some of the changes prior iconic mechanics like the torture attacks and wicked weaves take more of a back seat to the newer ones. Demon Slave takes a bit of getting used to but pretty much fills in for Wicked Weaves and Umbran Climax and does a better job even though weaves were good, you get new demons as you progress and each has its own style and unique moveset when controlled you can have up to three equipped at a time and can switch between them on the fly. the are also some universal moves like a counter attack move where rather than dodge for witch time the equipped demon comes out and deflects the attack. Mind you all this is before I have unlocked any new moves.
- Demon Masquerade is the second new system in the game, as mentioned earlier weapons have more defined move sets due to being more a fixed set the is also a new mechanic applied to them where you take on the traits of the demon whose soul powers them. For example the starting weapon gives you the butterfly lady traits allow faster movement in travel and the ability to hover in midair.
That's the game so far and it's still early on and as for the boss fights well they are crazier than the second game, I will leave a very short clip of the first boss you fight below if you want an idea of how crazy. "