AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (at 35+ hours or more)
How have you managed to only play 35 hours of Aninal Crossing? I think I've played more than that in the first week
Our list is similar. Games I'm playing now:
- Animal Crossing (my GOTY, played for much more hours than I want to admit and I'mnot stopping anytime soon...)
- Splatoon 2 (175 hours, I'm kinda addicted ngl)
- Astral Chain (10 hours, nice but limited. Hoping for a sequel to be better)
- Final Fantasy X (30 hrs, what a masterpiece, going to play XII once I finish)
Games I beat it
- Hollow Knight (65 hours,)
- Fire Emblem (210 hours, finished 3 routes and finished 90% of the 4th route until I get burned out. What an awesome game, it has some problems but overall great)
- Dragon Quest XI (90 hours, don't plan to battle post game boss)
- Crash N Sane Trilogy (25 hours, beated 2 and 3 over 80% each, didn't have patience to Crash 1)
- Ori and the Blind Forest (15 hours, gorgeous but ends too fast. Excited to play the sequel whenever it came for Switch)
Games on Hold:
- Okami (only 5 hours, I just play too much stuff, I think I'll play again once I beat Astral Chain)
- Ring Fit Adventute (doctor prohibits because I'm was too underweight, probably going to play again next month after gaining some weight)
- Mario Kart 8 (15 hrs, I just don't know where to fit this one, I basically play it with my little cousins when they come here)
- Resident Evil 4 (10 hrs, after struggling too much with camera I rage quit the game and never come back ever since. I'll come back some day)
Games I dropped:
- Celeste, played very little and hated it
- Ninjala, just unplayable
- Valkyria Chronicles 4 (tortured myself playing this for 20 hours, boring game)
- Super Mario Bros U (5 hours, absolutely underwhelming)