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We've had Pokémon Directs a week before E3 a couple rimes , so even if Emily's wrong (which I think might be) it's still very likely will hear see something before E3.

Last edited by Shaqazooloo0 - on 28 May 2018

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A New 2DS XL Hylian Shield Edition is on the way, Nintendo has announced. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds will come pre-installed.

The system is launching in North America on July 2, though it will only be sold at GameStop. Pricing is set at $159.99.

Green098 said:

A New 2DS XL Hylian Shield Edition is on the way, Nintendo has announced. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds will come pre-installed.

The system is launching in North America on July 2, though it will only be sold at GameStop. Pricing is set at $159.99.

Damn, Nintendo keeps taking my money lol

Mar1217 said:
Just in time for Link's Awakening 3D, am I right ?

Don't tease me like that lol

Mar1217 said:
PortisheadBiscuit said:

Don't tease me like that lol

Now just imagine this song remixed with actual instruments 

I'd love to hear a remake of the cave theme, with maybe a couple clarinets and a bass clarinet. 

Side note, went to pre-order my ALBW 2DS XL and Gamestop is up to their shenanigans per usual. Store pick up is not available and the only two shipping options are either $20 or $25. Huge eye roll! 

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Remember how you could play in any region's Splatfest demo? Well I was hoping that would be the case with the Mario Tennis tournament since Japan's goes live a full day earlier than America's. However, as you can see, I just downloaded the demo off the Japanese eShop, but now I'm confuzzled. It looks like it's the same American demo. Everything is in english, and the game is called Aces when it's just Ace in Japan. You can't normally download software that's already on the system though, and each demo has their own icon and their playtime tracked individually. Eh, gonna assume the worst, it's just a second American demo. Nintendo probably did a thing to stop people from playing in other region's demo. Lame! D:

Mar1217 said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:
Remember how you could play in any region's Splatfest demo? Well I was hoping that would be the case with the Mario Tennis tournament since Japan's goes live a full day earlier than America's. However, as you can see, I just downloaded the demo off the Japanese eShop, but now I'm confuzzled. It looks like it's the same American demo. Everything is in english, and the game is called Aces when it's just Ace in Japan. You can't normally download software that's already on the system though, and each demo has their own icon and their playtime tracked individually. Eh, gonna assume the worst, it's just a second American demo. Nintendo probably did a thing to stop people from playing in other region's demo. Lame! D:

Now I can kick your butt on equal terms, HAHA !

What would stop you from getting the Japanese demo if it did work? You can easily make alt Nintendo account for Japan to access their eShop.

I'm sure this has been discussed to death elsewhere, but I found this reveal incredibly disappointing. Yeah okay it's a spin-off, but it just seemed like a gutted reboot of Pokemon Yellow mixed with Pokemon Go. Oh well, hopefully the "core" title in 2019 is a return to form.

New Map, Wahoo World, hitting Splatoon 2 on Friday

Derp, messed up on my time conversion. Thought the Japanese tournament starts at 5pm ET but it's actually not til 5am tomorrow. 16 hours ahead of the American tourney is still almost a full day I suppose, but naturally I wont be available at that time so no big deal if the demo doesn't work.