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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should Sony give Sly a chance on the PS4?

The announcement of the Jak and Daxter trilogy coming to the PS4 as PS2 Classics got me in full nostalgia mode again, so here we go.


As you all should know, Sony released a remake (not a remaster) of the first Ratchet & Clank game for the PS4 last year. This coincided with the release of a Ratchet & Clank movie, a lot of which consisted of the cutscene work already done for the game. The game released to smashing success, both critically (85 on metacritic) and saleswise (Insomniac themselves said it was the fastest selling title in the franchise three weeks after its release, and VGC has it tracking well at 2.1 million so far). The movie didn't enjoy the same success but eh, that's not so important. Okay so far so good, but if we rewind back to 2013 things weren't looking quite so rosy for the franchise. Sony for some silly reason chose to launch Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus on *the PS3* in the very same week they launched the PS4. (literally the same week... SMH) Needless to say, it was completely overshadowed, and the title totally bombed, becoming the lowest selling mainline game in the franchise, clocking in at a meager 0.65 million according to VGC (regardless of VGC's error, it's safe to say the game did poorly.

If we rewind a comple more months back, the fourth mainline installment of Sly Cooper released, the first new installment the series had seen since in eight years since Sly 3 in 2005 on the PS2. The game was given little attention and advertisement by Sony (maybe they were too busy focusing on pushing The Last of Us), and two weeks after its release, Sony unveiled the PS4 at their press conference. Like Into the Nexus, Sly 4 also bombed, with only a combined 0.8 million (the game released on both the PS3 and the Vita).

What I think is that, like Into the Nexus, Sly 4 underperforming isn't necesarily a predicament to how well a potential installment on the PS4 could do, but more a result of unfortunate circumstances. I also think Sony's first party offerings are somewhat lacking in the family friendly areas, and this would be a nice game to alleviate that. Plus I really want another Sly

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Absolutely. I'd love to see a new Sly game with the same love that went into the new Ratchet.

TallSilhouette said:
Absolutely. I'd love to see a new Sly game with the same love that went into the new Ratchet.

I don't want a Sly remake though. The 4th game was awesome and I'd rather them continue making a new chapter in the storyline.

Nah. I struggled to get through the one on ps3. Just felt boring compared to crash, spyro, ratchet etc

a new game in the series, and maybe the older games remasterd like Crash Bandicoot was?

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I'd buy it. Always up for more 3d platformers

JRPGfan said:
a new game in the series, and maybe the older games remasterd like Crash Bandicoot was?

The original Sly trilogy isn't nearly as dated as Crash was though. They still hold up great.

TBH idk why they stopped making Jak and sly. They seem to have sold well :o. Maybe a time thing? they just didn't have the resources to make all of them? IDK

PSn - greencactaur
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YES, they should. PLEEEASE Sony make another Sly.

Depends. I seem to remember that a Sly movie was announced around the same time as the Ratchet and Clank movie by the same studio. Given that the Ratchet movie was a failure I don't know if they still plan on releasing the Sly one. I imagine if they do release a Sly movie or TV show they will at least remaster an older game to coincide with it.

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