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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%

No black Friday kind of thing where I live but Sony has a couple deals on psn for black Friday. Unfortunately I'm out of cash on the offers ends after my paycheck :/


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Around the Network

About 2 hours into mirrors edge. It's now open world unlike the first. Lovi g it So far.

Kerotan said:
About 2 hours into mirrors edge. It's now open world unlike the first. Lovi g it So far.

Good to hear.

Kerotan said:
About 2 hours into mirrors edge. It's now open world unlike the first. Lovi g it So far.

Man, it's like every sequel has to be open world these days.

Around the Network
VGPolyglot said:
Kerotan said:
About 2 hours into mirrors edge. It's now open world unlike the first. Lovi g it So far.

Man, it's like every sequel has to be open world these days.

Nah it's not like every sequel. It's like 're first just with more freedom and much more things to do. It actually makes sense way they done.

All these rumors at PlayStation Exp for DMC V.

I finally got a 2TB external HDD. Man, all that free space.

Mirrors edge would be perfect for psvr

Got Star Ocean the last hope. I remember I not liked it that much at first but at the end had my fun with the game. Also it comes with a theme. I liked my previous FFIX Theme but it was so boisterous while the SO IV one is so calm and tranquil with familiar menu sounds ^^'.

I am conflicted because I downloaded FFXV premium edition aswell...Which one should I play? The game I played before and only bought because I feel playing again because of nostaligic reasons or FFXV a game I possible will dislike but except for 30 mins hardly played hmm...