Bought Severed
Do we have any update on the new OP?
Pachofilauri said: Bought Severed Do we have any update on the new OP? |
Versus_Evil took some time off and asked if anyone would like to be his substitute.
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Adding an eleventh game: Death Squared (SMG Studio) |
Twelfth Night--er, game!
Phantom Trigger (Bread Team)
RolStoppable said:
Is that so? Is it still a 6/10 game in your opinion? |
It's not. I thought that the controls might have a "learning" curve after I've just beaten the levels (I went to the 100% in the end), and I saw some potential in them. But in the end, I think it's maybe a 4/10 game at best. And I don't think it's a question of being bad at it, it's just that they don't work fine, when you go deeper and do the more complex platforming. I grasped the controls fine for just "beating" the game, but going 100% was a really painful experience, to be honest.
I think I've just jumped to make a proper conclusion about it. But went I went deeper, I saw a lot of flaws that I haven't noticed before.
Volterra_90 said: Severed. I'm really loving this game. Nice mixture of dungeon-crawler exploration and touch controls. I've just beaten Snake Pass. Can't recommend it. The controls are painfully bad. |
Severed is amazing. One of the best games of this generation, I think :)
Mar1217 said:
Anyway, what's the best way to play with touch control on the Switch ? Do I use my hands ( I know it sounds weird ) ? |
For Severed? When I played it on Vita I just swiped with my finger. I bet the same would work well on the Switch.
If i buy a second Switch will my score go up to 0.5?
Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)
Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!
I bought Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove and Sonic Mania.
5 games in total, but the rest is first party.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides
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