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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One X will launch for $499


Your thoughts?

TOO HIGH! 544 73.81%
Is actually a decent price 131 17.77%
For 4k gaming? Steal 62 8.41%
Mr Puggsly said:

 But X1X is gonna raise the bar on consoles like a premium console should.

And I would expect nothing less. :)

I am on the waiting list to get Scorpio day 1.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Day one ish.

Some people (not bright people, mind you) were saying $700. I was hoping for $450 but $500 was still in my budget. There was even a time when I thought it would be $399 and explode the internet!

I don't know where anyone was getting a $600-700 price based upon the specs; it's still a console and $500 is the upper limit of what a mass consumer console can be moved at without being a small niche product.

For whatever reasons, my assumption was that the XBOX would be priced at $500 realistically. $400 would have been a theatrical E3 style bombshell, but the reality is SCE probably had a contingency plan in place to drop the PS4P down $50-100 to let the air out of that announcement, which MS would have predicted, hence no price war/selling at zero margin.

greenmedic88 said:
I don't know where anyone was getting a $600-700 price based upon the specs; it's still a console and $500 is the upper limit of what a mass consumer console can be moved at without being a small niche product.

For whatever reasons, my assumption was that the XBOX would be priced at $500 realistically. $400 would have been a theatrical E3 style bombshell, but the reality is SCE probably had a contingency plan in place to drop the PS4P down $50-100 to let the air out of that announcement, which MS would have predicted, hence no price war/selling at zero margin.

Uh, because those are the specs of an $800-$1000 PC?

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Space Grey IPAD with 128GB and Cellular plan:  :$559

or Scorpio? :$499


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FallingTitan said:

Space Grey IPAD with 128GB and Cellular plan:  :$559

or Scorpio? :$499


Go with a high-end android tablet.  Ploblem solved.

I'm definitely getting one, but is it ok if I just keep calling it the Scorpio? There's only so much stupid I can stand, and I finally just moved on from the Wii U.

Seriously, try saying Xbox 1 X three times fast, it's just awkward to say lol... this shit is like the recent Super Saijan God Super Saijan transformation.

Johnw1104 said:

I'm definitely getting one, but is it ok if I just keep calling it the Scorpio? There's only so much stupid I can stand, and I finally just moved on from the Wii U.

Seriously, try saying Xbox 1 X three times fast, it's just awkward to say lol... this shit is like the recent Super Saijan God Super Saijan transformation.

Just say Xbox X.


still hard but much better.

Alby_da_Wolf said:
The price is right, people wanting to spend less can buy a XBOne S.

Really ? I am not big fan of higher res as I prefer gfx over pixel but 1080P should be standard now. I can't see the X competiting with PS4P. Though PS4 will be the most popular I am sure


exclusive_console said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
The price is right, people wanting to spend less can buy a XBOne S.

Really ? I am not big fan of higher res as I prefer gfx over pixel but 1080P should be standard now. I can't see the X competiting with PS4P. Though PS4 will be the most popular I am sure

Most probably PS4 will keep on beating XBOne overall and quite probably PS4Pro will beat XBOneX, but Sony sales tell us two things, that the premium model gives results that totally justify its development, but also that the base model remains the best seller.
Anyhow, both consoles use customised chips based on very mainstream PC ones, it won't take much time for MS to be able to drop its price to the far more appealing $400 level, but no need to rush it and lose money, they wouldn't win anyway. Actually the high price can hype some people and make them wait for an official price cut or the first available special offer to get one, it can make the product desirable for them even if they can't afford it yet.
Finally $500 is a horrible price for a base model, but not so terrible for a premium one.
MS took far worse decisions than this one.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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