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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony going third party is an excellent idea for gamers.

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Do you agree?

Yes, I find it reasonable. 186 37.73%
No, I find it is a stupid idea. 307 62.27%

Problem is, some people like playing on console, using a controller. So the question is, why should Sony eliminate the main thing that made their console a market leader for 3 out of the 4 generations it's been in the hardware business?

I think the consumer case for Sony being 3rd party is good, just like the consumer case for any software developer to be 3rd party is good. But where's the business case?

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Lawlight said:
Anfebious said:

An interesting idea has been present on the minds of gamers in the last years. The concept of going third party is a taboo subject, a lot of people are against it but there are some people like me that see the benefits of going third party.

If Sony goes third party all gamers win. Don't belive me? Let's think.

Sony going third party means more money to spend on videogames.

Having all the Sony games on one platform (PC) means we can stop wasting money on outdated hardware. Money that could be spent on more games. Having Sony games enter the steam ecosystem means we could have Uncharted/Horizon/etc. at insane prices. Gamers win in the end.

PS4 hardware is inferior if we compare it to a PC.

Eliminate the need to buy a PS4 and now you have more money for games and for hardware upgrades on your PC. You could play Sony's first party games on real 4K and 60fps.

Sony's first parties would be able to realize their full potential.

Not being tied to the limitations of the PS4, Naughty Dog could make their games even better than they look today.

Sony's first parties would have increased market reach.

PC gamers can be counted on the millions, add to those the people that are buying PS4's and Sony would be sitting on a pile of cash in no time.

PC gamers will have access to videogames they could never play. And vice versa.

PC gamers could finally enjoy the first party offerings from Sony, and Sony gamers would enjoy the PC offerings. A win-win situation.

So what is your opinion?



1. Not everyone is a PC gamer so how do I save money from this?


2. This is something for PC enthusiasts only. Most gaming PCs aren't as capable as a PS4, which is why the most played PC games are made to run on low specs. I suppose it is a valid positive if you're still gaming on desktops.


3. Only if full potential means buggy, less optimised games. Because that's what would occur if they have to develop for multiple platforms. And the "limitations" that you're talking about is just visual?


4. Possibly - if they can sell their games to the Chinese market because that's where most of the pic gamers who don't own a PS4 reside in. Will China embrace a game like The Last of Us or Gran Turismo?


5. This point is just a repeat. Doesn't benefit me at all.

1. You buiy a PC like you would buy a PS4. IMO Sony should go third party but still make consoles so that the gamer has more options.

2. Really overall good for the average PC gamer because they wont have to pay $250 for a new console Also a recent Steam survey show that most Steam users have PCs with better specs than the PS4.

3. Third parties having been making games for multiple platforms and lots of these games are well made and not buggy.

4. PS4 games have been doing well in othe rparts of Aisa recently so if they are on PC they will do a lot better.

5. Of they put games on PC and you bought a PC you would have access ot lots of games that cant be playe don PS4.

binary solo said:
Problem is, some people like playing on console, using a controller. So the question is, why should Sony eliminate the main thing that made their console a market leader for 3 out of the 4 generations it's been in the hardware business?

I think the consumer case for Sony being 3rd party is good, just like the consumer case for any software developer to be 3rd party is good. But where's the business case?

Imo if Sony were to go third party thye should continue ot make consoles for those that want a console experience. 

jason1637 said:
binary solo said:
Problem is, some people like playing on console, using a controller. So the question is, why should Sony eliminate the main thing that made their console a market leader for 3 out of the 4 generations it's been in the hardware business?

I think the consumer case for Sony being 3rd party is good, just like the consumer case for any software developer to be 3rd party is good. But where's the business case?

Imo if Sony were to go third party thye should continue ot make consoles for those that want a console experience. 

You do realize that companies aren't genies that grant whatever wish you might ask of it, right?  There's not much reason to buy a console from sony if it's games are available on it's competitors hardware. If Sony ever did go third party, I doubt they would keep producing hardware for games. Sony shouldn't go third party though because it's home consoles do the best compared to it's competion. 

deskpro2k3 said:
Anfebious said:

An interesting idea has been present on the minds of gamers in the last years. The concept of going third party is a taboo subject, a lot of people are against it but there are some people like me that see the benefits of going third party.

If Sony goes third party all gamers win. Don't belive me? Let's think.

Sony going third party means more money to spend on videogames.

Having all the Sony games on one platform (PC) means we can stop wasting money on outdated hardware. Money that could be spent on more games. Having Sony games enter the steam ecosystem means we could have Uncharted/Horizon/etc. at insane prices. Gamers win in the end.

PS4 hardware is inferior if we compare it to a PC.

Eliminate the need to buy a PS4 and now you have more money for games and for hardware upgrades on your PC. You could play Sony's first party games on real 4K and 60fps.

Sony's first parties would be able to realize their full potential.

Not being tied to the limitations of the PS4, Naughty Dog could make their games even better than they look today.

Sony's first parties would have increased market reach.

PC gamers can be counted on the millions, add to those the people that are buying PS4's and Sony would be sitting on a pile of cash in no time.

PC gamers will have access to videogames they could never play. And vice versa.

PC gamers could finally enjoy the first party offerings from Sony, and Sony gamers would enjoy the PC offerings. A win-win situation.

So what is your opinion?


You just don't want to buy a PS4, but you want to play the games. Just admit it.

There's nothing wrong about that.

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Aeolus451 said:
jason1637 said:

Imo if Sony were to go third party thye should continue ot make consoles for those that want a console experience. 

You do realize that companies aren't genies that grant whatever wish you might ask of it, right?  There's not much reason to buy a console from sony if it's games are available on it's competitors hardware. If Sony ever did go third party, I doubt they would keep producing hardware for games. Sony shouldn't go third party though because it's home consoles do the best compared to it's competion. 

Every since microsoft started releasing games on XBO/WIN10 the xb1 sold a 100k more from june 2016 til jan 2017 compared to june 2015 to jam 2016 so there are people that just perfer gaming on console so that enough for Sony to release games on PC and still make consoles. Consoles can still sell well if the games are on PC

jason1637 said:
Aeolus451 said:

You do realize that companies aren't genies that grant whatever wish you might ask of it, right?  There's not much reason to buy a console from sony if it's games are available on it's competitors hardware. If Sony ever did go third party, I doubt they would keep producing hardware for games. Sony shouldn't go third party though because it's home consoles do the best compared to it's competion. 

Every since microsoft started releasing games on XBO/WIN10 the xb1 sold a 100k more from june 2016 til jan 2017 compared to june 2015 to jam 2016 so there are people that just perfer gaming on console so that enough for Sony to release games on PC and still make consoles. Consoles can still sell well if the games are on PC

Didn't the Xbox get a remodel and price drop in that time frame?

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

They already are.. sort of. PSnow is there future 3rd party direction . Wont be long until it supplies all there games etc. Much like Xbox and Windows Live.

1. You're proposing that basically all games should just be on PC, which, IMO, is bullshit. Yes, PC hardware is "more powerful" (depending on what you have), but it's also ever changing, and constantly upgrading. And before the Steam era, "PC Gaming" meant something totally different than it does now. PC Gaming use to be, for the most part, a certain type of games, and games you could ONLY play on PC. Because they were MADE for PC. Nowadays, "PC Gaming" basically just means people too lazy/cheap to buy any consoles, and want to play all their games on the thing they already browse the internet with.

2. Personally, I like game consoles. I think it's a GOOD thing that you have a set parameter of hardware specs and capabilities, that everyone has to work within. And beyond that nonsense, I like being able to sit on my couch or lay in my bed, and relax playing a game. Or take my game on the go. I know tablets or laptops can get the same basic effect. But it's just not the same.

It is in part, yes, due to the fact that I grew up with gaming consoles, that I am partial to them. But also, even now, I have a decent PC, I HAVE Steam. I even have a ton of roms lying around. But in general, I rarely ever feel like gaming on my PC, personally. If I want to play a video game, the vast majority of the time, I feel like playing ____ game console. And I think a lot of other gamers feel that way as well, otherwise game consoles wouldn't still be popular and selling.

So just because some PC gamers don't want to "have to" buy any game consoles, and live in their dream utopia where all games, even Nintendo games, just came to PC? Sorry, but too bad. I think consoles existing is a good thing. And I prefer to see them stick around. I don't like the DIRECTION the industry is heading in, with mid-gen "upgrades" and other bullshit like that. But I do want to see them stick around.

IkePoR said:
jason1637 said:

Every since microsoft started releasing games on XBO/WIN10 the xb1 sold a 100k more from june 2016 til jan 2017 compared to june 2015 to jam 2016 so there are people that just perfer gaming on console so that enough for Sony to release games on PC and still make consoles. Consoles can still sell well if the games are on PC

Didn't the Xbox get a remodel and price drop in that time frame?

Doesn't really matter because the games still came to PC and the console still sold quite well.