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Forums - General Discussion - Man violently removed from United Airlines plane. ~Update~ United may have broken the law.

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The memes that are spreading around the internet are killing United.

I'm pretty sure they'd gladly pay even $10 million to have this all go away (or to have never happened at all).

IMO airlines better review their damn overbooking policies too. 

NewGuy said:
Bandorr said:

They got 3 people to take it, but not the 4th. Not sure about the price of the ticket? I assume it would just carry over to the next day?

I would have done it for a First class ticket (instead of the money) and the hotel room (so I didn't have to find another one).

"Passengers were told at the gate that the flight was overbooked and United, offering $400 and a hotel stay, was looking for one volunteer to take another flight to Louisville at 3 p.m. Monday. Passengers were allowed to board the flight, Bridges said, and once the flight was filled those on the plane were told that four people needed to give up their seats to stand-by United employees that needed to be in Louisville on Monday for a flight. Passengers were told that the flight would not take off until the United crew had seats, Bridges said, and the offer was increased to $800, but no one volunteered."

They shouldn't have removed him THAT way. But howelse could they remove him? He couldn't get up, and he refused to move. If they moved on because he was a Doctor the next random person would feel slighted. Plus they may start making up lies (my dad is dying, my kid is alone etc).

Deplane the passengers and then board everyone again.

Matter of fact, they should have done that prior to boarding people. They should also keeping up the ante for how much they are willing to pay for a seat until people take it. 800 wasn't enough? Go to 1000. Then 1200, 1600. Trust me, people will take it and the small loss there would be better than this clusterfuck that's happening now.

I seems they suffered from tunnel vision as well. I can't understand how the fate of United Airlines rests on 1 employee not making it to the right location in time. Don't they have stand ins in Kentucky, other employees to shuffle around, send him in a private car over night, private charter, other airline, other airport. Why did they decide to put their logistical problem on the passengers.

Btw did the doctor get arrested for tresspassing or obstruction of justice? Was he charged with anything? Or did they just start pulling on him because the airline told them to?

Oh nice, the smear campaign has begun
Dao Was Convicted of Prescribing a Patient With Painkillers In Exchange for Sex in Louisville

Soundwave said:

The memes that are spreading around the internet are killing United.

I'm pretty sure they'd gladly pay even $10 million to have this all go away (or to have never happened at all).

IMO airlines better review their damn overbooking policies too. 

Some of those memes are funny as hell, they're being taken to the cleaners over this whole fiasco.

Soundwave said:
Machiavellian said:

Actually once security comes in and you refuse to leave a place that has asked you to leave, they can remove you by force.  People are forgetting that there is two actions going on here.  United has the right to refuse any passenger passage on any plane.  Security has the right to remove a passenger who refuse to leave a plane.  If the passenger resist which is exactly what this guy did and he was hurt as a result, then courts can look at how he was hurt.  You do not have to be a security risk, violent or anything like that.  You only have to refuse to leave.  This would be the same if you went into any building and they asked you to leave and you refused to go.  The police has the right to remove you by force.  If you resist then any injury occurred can be placed on you and if you resist and the police officer was hurt, you could be charged a felony.

This has nothing to do with United fare rules or anything like that because those things can be disputed and they can be sue for breach of contract.  The fact that comes into play is that the man was asked to leave and United does have that right.  By refusing to leave he then put himself into tresspassing.  Now once security comes on the scene they can remove any one who is tresspassing and can use force.

The guy will get something from United but it will be settled out of court and it will not be anywhere close to a million.  Hell it probably would not be more than 5K.  

lol, this is going to cost United waaaaaaaaaaay more than 5k. There are tons of high profile lawyers who would be licking their chops to take this case on for zero fees (but a cut of the settlement of course), they are going to rip United a new a-hole. They will settle out of court and settle quickly. 

A million or more wouldn't surprise me. United wants this to go away quickly, they are getting absolutely killed on the PR front. Their stock price has lost $600 million in market cap because of this today.

Oh PR wise they stand to lose big no matter if it goes to court or not.  If they already lose on the PR side then it matters not what they settle for and they might be willing to toe the line. Interesting enough, notice how they apoligize for the overbooking but did not apologize to the guy that got hurt.  Classic case were they do not want to admit guilt or responsibility just in case it do go to trial.

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This is fucking embarrassing, the man was a doctor and had a compromise, also I heard all the people they choose to leave the airplane were asians, disgusting. Thankfully United Airlines will pay for this, their stock is falling like a rock.

There are already some good memes about this lol

Wyrdness said:
Soundwave said:

The memes that are spreading around the internet are killing United.

I'm pretty sure they'd gladly pay even $10 million to have this all go away (or to have never happened at all).

IMO airlines better review their damn overbooking policies too. 

Some of those memes are funny as hell, they're being taken to the cleaners over this whole fiasco.

Oh they will not change the overbooking part.  What they will probably do is make sure to not board until this part is cleared up.  This is great for other airlines and bad for United.  You can believe other airlines are changing policy now to avoid these situation where someone gets on board but refuse to leave.  I am sure they are thanking United right now.

Don't know what kind of absurd rules american airlines has but going by some people here

- An airline has all the right to refuse or delay a passengers ticket before boarding passes, incase overbooked.
- Airlines will only issue Boarding Passes to passenger who could be accommodated with a seat on the flight
- By issuing boarding passes airline approves passengers as a customer and can only remove them if they are
nusance to other passengers, a threat, shows signs of being medically unwell..or are requested by police
authorities if in case there a convicted fugitive trying to flee.
- Passengers Safety is the utmost priority in aviation.

People saying he wouldn't have gotten hurt if he would just complied with the officer! But Comply for what? he was being forcefully denied the service which he had paid and which airline agreed to provide when they issued boarding passes which meant he was not on the overbooked.

Philip de franco, gave the best example.. "If you go in restaurant, order food and when your waiting for your food, an employee ask you to vacant the place because someone else needs it" and what makes it worst is that in this case you had already paid for the food.

I don't know about the laws in the United States, but i can't believe the police is there to enforce arbitrary rules of a private company.

If the police are called to such a case, their questions should be: "Is there a security concern? Has the man broken any law? Is this a dangerous situation?" If not, you are on your own dealing with this situation.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

Porcupine_I said:
I don't know about the laws in the United States, but i can't believe the police is there to enforce arbitrary rules of a private company.

If the police are called to such a case, their questions should be: "Is there a security concern? Has the man broken any law? Is this a dangerous situation?" If not, you are on your own dealing with this situation.


And the company's policy about overbooking is totally messed up in the part about removing people already on board (possibly with their luggage in the hold too) to make room for other people that still aren't.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
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