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NewGuy said:
Bandorr said:

They got 3 people to take it, but not the 4th. Not sure about the price of the ticket? I assume it would just carry over to the next day?

I would have done it for a First class ticket (instead of the money) and the hotel room (so I didn't have to find another one).

"Passengers were told at the gate that the flight was overbooked and United, offering $400 and a hotel stay, was looking for one volunteer to take another flight to Louisville at 3 p.m. Monday. Passengers were allowed to board the flight, Bridges said, and once the flight was filled those on the plane were told that four people needed to give up their seats to stand-by United employees that needed to be in Louisville on Monday for a flight. Passengers were told that the flight would not take off until the United crew had seats, Bridges said, and the offer was increased to $800, but no one volunteered."

They shouldn't have removed him THAT way. But howelse could they remove him? He couldn't get up, and he refused to move. If they moved on because he was a Doctor the next random person would feel slighted. Plus they may start making up lies (my dad is dying, my kid is alone etc).

Deplane the passengers and then board everyone again.

Matter of fact, they should have done that prior to boarding people. They should also keeping up the ante for how much they are willing to pay for a seat until people take it. 800 wasn't enough? Go to 1000. Then 1200, 1600. Trust me, people will take it and the small loss there would be better than this clusterfuck that's happening now.

I seems they suffered from tunnel vision as well. I can't understand how the fate of United Airlines rests on 1 employee not making it to the right location in time. Don't they have stand ins in Kentucky, other employees to shuffle around, send him in a private car over night, private charter, other airline, other airport. Why did they decide to put their logistical problem on the passengers.

Btw did the doctor get arrested for tresspassing or obstruction of justice? Was he charged with anything? Or did they just start pulling on him because the airline told them to?

Oh nice, the smear campaign has begun
Dao Was Convicted of Prescribing a Patient With Painkillers In Exchange for Sex in Louisville