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Don't know what kind of absurd rules american airlines has but going by some people here

- An airline has all the right to refuse or delay a passengers ticket before boarding passes, incase overbooked.
- Airlines will only issue Boarding Passes to passenger who could be accommodated with a seat on the flight
- By issuing boarding passes airline approves passengers as a customer and can only remove them if they are
nusance to other passengers, a threat, shows signs of being medically unwell..or are requested by police
authorities if in case there a convicted fugitive trying to flee.
- Passengers Safety is the utmost priority in aviation.

People saying he wouldn't have gotten hurt if he would just complied with the officer! But Comply for what? he was being forcefully denied the service which he had paid and which airline agreed to provide when they issued boarding passes which meant he was not on the overbooked.

Philip de franco, gave the best example.. "If you go in restaurant, order food and when your waiting for your food, an employee ask you to vacant the place because someone else needs it" and what makes it worst is that in this case you had already paid for the food.