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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

Well, it's not like it's negatively affecting him at all, he has no ads on his site so he's not making any money off of it in the first place. If anything it's giving him more attention.

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No surprise here. We see this happen all the time. Last time it was with IGN and "too much water". A great review which explained perfectly well how she gave that score (and a lot of us non-die hard fans agreed with her point), yet all people saw was a low score and a "stupid thing to complain about". It wasn't, no matter how much they tried to twist it to make it sound worse than it was.

Let's not forget of the fact that we had a person on vgc calling a thread creator the r word for giving Super Mario Galaxy 2 a mere 9/10 for being too similar to the first one.

I guess I'll just say what others said when a game from a company that is not their favourite got a low score:
"he's just using the full scale. What's the point of having a 10 point score if we don't use the other numbers?"

But in all seriousness, I have no idea whether it's a fair review or not. I haven't played the game and, unlike that Uncharted 4 review, it is not a joke review.

Personally I don't put it past reviewers to lower a score just to get attention. They trade in attention after all.

I don't know if that's what Jim did or anything, but even so, who cares? It's a number out of another number. It won't effect my enjoyment of the game.

I bet most of the BOTW fans would agree with his review if it didn't have a number at the end. But why read it when you can just stare at a number.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I did say before the game came out that anything less than an amazing score and people would freak out. Doesn't matter if people have even played the game or not, Zelda games MUST get amazing reviews or the world ends.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

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Ka-pi96 said:
Lafiel said:
hah, well, some fragile people thought the Zelda metacritic page was their safe space and now those special snowflakes' personality is shattered by the reality that not everybody will worship their god as much as they do

I don't doubt that Zelda BotW is a great game that deserved lots of the praise showered at it, but even great games won't resonate with everyone

personally I can't really comprehend what makes Jim love musou games like Hyrule Warriors (which he gave a 9.0) this much
, but if that's his actual level of enjoyment he gets from that then it's fine for him to award these scores

heh, it's funny cuz I don't get why most people don't love musou games that much. They're just so fun!

I've played the Vita Dynasty Warriors for ~25h and the quite similar Bladestorm (technically a "kessen" and not a "musou") for ~40h - I did like both, but I consider my itch for that kind of gameplay thoroughly scratched for the foreseeable future

Double post


I can't get the link to the review to open. He must still be under siege.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

If you read the review, he brings up a lot of valid points. I didn't agree with his review of The Last Guardian (which I enjoyed, but I wouldn't say I loved), but he brought up valid points. I mean, do people genuinely think the durability system in BotW was a good idea? The constant menus destroy the intensity and immersion that the Souls games did so well. Admittedly, those games had durability, too, but at least no one thought durability was fun in those games.

It's a review. It's not even a bad one. If a single 7/10 is so terrible that you can't enjoy your favorite game, then maybe it isn't your favorite game.

Seems to be par for the course these days. People getting furious over a score that doesn't line up with the image they've created in their mind is just something that apparently needs to accepted as part of being a fan of video games. I don't understand the thinking that the worth of a game is somehow tied to the average rating it gets on metacritic. If you enjoy the game, why does it matter that someone else didn't like it quite so much?