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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

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He wont change his score the people doing this are only making The Zelda / Nintendo fanbase look really bad.

specialk said:
Personally I don't put it past reviewers to lower a score just to get attention. They trade in attention after all.

I don't know if that's what Jim did or anything, but even so, who cares? It's a number out of another number. It won't effect my enjoyment of the game.

Jim has 400k views on jimquisition, has a very sucessful patreon and if you follow him at all, you'd know he is one of the few reviewers that can't be bought. He is independent and sucessful. He has no reason to go for clicks. 

He is simply honest. I trust him more than the hordes of Zelda fans telling me how this is the best game ever. And i have it! It's an enjoyable game, but it's not a new standard for games. It has some visible flaws. But people acting this way, just brings even more light to them. BotW biggest achievement for me is simply the colorful art style that makes it different from other sand boxes. But this is like the FF fans saying FFXV was awesome. It wasn't. It was a mess, and it's good aspects are now swamped in a sea of lies.

Not saying Zelda is a mess at all, but it's necessary to keep perspective when analysing a game. Hype scores are something i loathe and probably many others because it leads them to buy games they ultimately won't enjoy.

vivster said:
pokoko said:
Someone in the other thread suggested that Sterling was wrong to assume the attack had something to do with his Zelda score. I giggled like a school-girl.

Fanboys who do things like this or leave nasty personal insults over scores should have all their consoles and games taken away. They are a blight on gaming.

Bad idea. Then the only thing left for them is bludgeoning everyone to death with their amiibo collection.

Maybe if we locked them up together with their amiibo collections?  Kind of a Battle Royale situation where only the strongest amiibo user gets to live.

Mummelmann said:
Lol, that's ridiculous. One of Norway's biggest gaming sites gave it a 6/10, some of the criticism in it seems justified but the score doesn't match what I've personally seen and tried in the game myself.
As for Jim's score; he's kind of an oddball, and I don't understand why people get so angry at reviews, it's not like a dropped point on metacritic is ruining your experience of a game.
Overly kind reviews of games with massive flaws annoy me more, all in all.

I'm not a Sterling fan but he has always used his scores differently than most other writers.  His score seems to be just a number used to represent his own personal enjoyment, not some kind of award based on what he thinks a game deserves.  He's give some good games low scores and some highly flawed games perfect scores.  This is harsh medicine for the "live by the score, die by the score" crowd.

patronmacabre said:
If you read the review, he brings up a lot of valid points. I didn't agree with his review of The Last Guardian (which I enjoyed, but I wouldn't say I loved), but he brought up valid points. I mean, do people genuinely think the durability system in BotW was a good idea? The constant menus destroy the intensity and immersion that the Souls games did so well. Admittedly, those games had durability, too, but at least no one thought durability was fun in those games.

It's a review. It's not even a bad one. If a single 7/10 is so terrible that you can't enjoy your favorite game, then maybe it isn't your favorite game.

Weapon durability is just fine for me. It's not like I ever run out of weapons or anything. 

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pokoko said:
Someone in the other thread suggested that Sterling was wrong to assume the attack had something to do with his Zelda score. I giggled like a school-girl.

Fanboys who do things like this or leave nasty personal insults over scores should have all their consoles and games taken away. They are a blight on gaming.

Someone should smash them Gallagher-style while they're made to watch in horror.

7/10 isn't even that bad. Its just his opinion. Sad people are sad.

pokoko said:
vivster said:

Bad idea. Then the only thing left for them is bludgeoning everyone to death with their amiibo collection.

Maybe if we locked them up together with their amiibo collections?  Kind of a Battle Royale situation where only the strongest amiibo user gets to live.

See, that sounds like 10/10 entertainment to me.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Sure is his opinion, but i think he is a total moron. If you don't like the game give some valid reason according to your previous reviews. He doesn't likes the stamina bar, but yet in the dark souls series it's ok. "Pausing" the game to change weapons it's bad, but in fallout 4 it's great.

Pachofilauri said:
Sure is his opinion, but i think he is a total moron. If you don't like the game give some valid reason according to your previous reviews. He doesn't likes the stamina bar, but yet in the dark souls series it's ok. "Pausing" the game to change weapons it's bad, but in fallout 4 it's great.

It's all about implementation and how much it detracts from the rest of the game. Also how useless it is. Taking away stamina and durability from the game would do nothing to the enjoyment of the game, in contrary.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.