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No surprise here. We see this happen all the time. Last time it was with IGN and "too much water". A great review which explained perfectly well how she gave that score (and a lot of us non-die hard fans agreed with her point), yet all people saw was a low score and a "stupid thing to complain about". It wasn't, no matter how much they tried to twist it to make it sound worse than it was.

Let's not forget of the fact that we had a person on vgc calling a thread creator the r word for giving Super Mario Galaxy 2 a mere 9/10 for being too similar to the first one.

I guess I'll just say what others said when a game from a company that is not their favourite got a low score:
"he's just using the full scale. What's the point of having a 10 point score if we don't use the other numbers?"

But in all seriousness, I have no idea whether it's a fair review or not. I haven't played the game and, unlike that Uncharted 4 review, it is not a joke review.