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Forums - General Discussion - Seal Clubbing is a sick tradition and it must end!

Qwark said:
sethnintendo said:

Just ask penguins what they think of seals. 

I'm not for the slaughter of animals but if one is using at least the meat and possibly fur, bones, etc for themselves then I have no issue with it.  You should be more concerned with factory farms and the way we treat the animals that we eat such as pigs, cows, and chicken.

It's not the use of the animal or the hunting that I am against. It's the manner of killing that's inhumane most seals don't die on the first impact. They are beaten to dead with a baseball bat. That's even worse than slaughtering an innocent animal by cutting it's troath and leave it to drown in its own blood.

So if they killed them with a bolt through the head or gun with little to no suffering then you'd be okay with that?  I'm in same view point.  If you are going to kill something then kill it quick and don't let it suffer.  I'm anti ivory trade, killing sharks just for their fins, or killing bears for their gall bladders because supposedly it is an aphrodisiac.  Asian culture deserves most of the blame for ivory, shark fins, and bear gall bladders.  They are the ones fueling most of the demand.

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Everyone knows that seals are shot, not clubbed, by the seal industry, right?

sethnintendo said:
Qwark said:

It's not the use of the animal or the hunting that I am against. It's the manner of killing that's inhumane most seals don't die on the first impact. They are beaten to dead with a baseball bat. That's even worse than slaughtering an innocent animal by cutting it's troath and leave it to drown in its own blood.

So if they killed them with a bolt through the head or gun with little to no suffering then you'd be okay with that?  I'm in same view point.  If you are going to kill something then kill it quick and don't let it suffer.  I'm anti ivory trade, killing sharks just for there fins, or killing bears for their gall bladders because supposedly it is an aphrodisiac.  Asian culture deserves most of the blame for ivory, shark fins, and bear gall bladders.  They are the ones fueling most of the demand.

We have pretty much the same viewpoint. I am far more against animal cruelty, than humans that bash their own heads in. I also hate bull fighting in Spain, the guys who enjoy that are a bunch of fucking disrespectful wankers to me.


Kill an animal as painless and quickly as possible, cause as little ecological harm as possible. Use as kuch as possible fron the dead animal and don't excuse animal cruelty because of a tradition.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

I thought this was about people who use the amazon sales seriuosly.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Everyone knows that seals are shot, not clubbed, by the seal industry, right?

So that explains the scares on his face.  He was attacked by a seal when he was young and will never stop till he is the only Seal left.

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Qwark said:

It's not the use of the animal or the hunting that I am against. It's the manner of killing that's inhumane most seals don't die on the first impact. They are beaten to dead with a baseball bat. That's even worse than slaughtering an innocent animal by cutting it's troath and leave it to drown in its own blood.

Not sure what you have been reading, but none of these methods of killing are used in the sealing industry. 

MTZehvor said:
I don't see why we should ban seals from visiting nightclubs.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Holy shit OP, haven't seen such terrible argumentation and so many fallacies in one thread for quite a while.

Continue opening topics though, I'm getting a good laugh from them.

For recreation and sport killing any animal is fundamentally wrong but for eating food and surviving we are animals and we kill to survive whether killing plants or animals its the same thing and same goes for seals. If they are your pray then go ahead and kill those seals unless they are endangered which I don't think they are

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Ka-pi96 said:

And nothing wrong with those eating cats or dogs. I know China even has a dog eating festival. Good on 'em! Not something I'd ever partake in, but they have every right to eat it, just like the French eat horses or whatever.

Horse meat is not as uncommon as the other types of meat you listed. In some Asian countries (Kazakhstan, I think), it's one of the major meat sources. You can find horse sausages in many European countries, too.