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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are most games good?

Tagged games:


Out of 10, most games average...

9-10 0 0%
8-9 8 6.67%
7-8 28 23.33%
6-7 31 25.83%
5-6 22 18.33%
4-5 9 7.50%
3-4 4 3.33%
2-3 3 2.50%
1-2 6 5.00%
See results 9 7.50%

Most games are likely entertaining, but I find most games uninteresting.

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RolStoppable said:
Most games are not made by Nintendo, therefore most games are not good. 


This is not 2002 anymore.

Most AAA games are good and enjoyable imo

if most games were good i wouldn't need to watch gameplay and read reviews before buying.

It's very subjective, except mobile games which 95% are crap.

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Veknoid_Outcast said:

For those lucky enough to avoid buying crummy games, how do you do it?

Follow a certain IP? A certain developer? A certain genre?

I ask because I've been burned by all three before.

You lie to yourself and don't mention buying those to others.

I'm really on the fence atm about Psychonauts Rhombus of Ruin (comes out the 22nd) I like puzzle adventure games, love VR, and Tim Schafer has made plenty great stuff yet Double Fine's Broken age wasn't worth my time and funding and I've tried getting into the original Psychonauts 3 times now, it's just not that much fun to play.

I'm not lucky either and just don't know. I have gotten better at predicting what fits my tastes over the years yet still not fool proof. There's always trade ins. I really thought Xenoblade Chronicles X was right up my alley, epic sci-fi RPG. Could not get past the tutorial, too boring, traded it in. So if you even get burned on critically acclaimed games that fit your interests, what chance do I have with those 50-70 scoring games that sometimes turn out great, sometimes awful :/

Technically, shouldn't most games be average by definition?

It seems a matter of simple statistics... of course, though, individual tastes may vary.






Most games are mediocre, I'd say that about 30-40% of the games that I try are good in my opinion and then there are hundreds that you simply don't even want to try.
Then again; many games are objectively good even though I don't like them. But I still feel like the majority of games are mediocre, just as with music, movies and books, most broader entertainment is mediocre, but it's still entertainment.

Most games are pretty good but pretty soulless.

for me 7-8