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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Anybody here excited for GTA4?

Not interested. Sorry =\

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Can't wait online is certainly going to be awesome.

I haven't pre-ordered it yet though.

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Welcolme. Yes, I'm sort-of excited for GTAIV, but I won't be getting it 'til July.

I think the majority of posters on these forums are interested. Except for those that only own a Wii console. I would like to say its nothing more then system bias however being a member of this site for some time. I actually know that mature games in general and Grand Theft Auto clones on the system in particular haven't been popular in the least.

Basically if a game cannot be enjoyed by a child in kindergarten, your senile grand parent, and a guy who is physically challenged. Well for your basic Wii owner it just isn't what is considered a stimulating game experience. Besides the game has no plushy cute cartoon characters to relate to. That immediately kills any enthusiasm they might have had.

Basically don't let those kind of posters throw you too much. They are actually the scariest poster on these forums. They are like cult members who have surrendered their souls to their master. I think it was a few months ago that one of them actually said the most important thing for any game to have was waggle controls.

Yeah I know I better put on my flame retardant vest as soon as humanly possible.

Dodece said:
I think the majority of posters on these forums are interested. Except for those that only own a Wii console. I would like to say its nothing more then system bias however being a member of this site for some time. I actually know that mature games in general and Grand Theft Auto clones on the system in particular haven't been popular in the least.

Basically if a game cannot be enjoyed by a child in kindergarten, your senile grand parent, and a guy who is physically challenged. Well for your basic Wii owner it just isn't what is considered a stimulating game experience. Besides the game has no plushy cute cartoon characters to relate to. That immediately kills any enthusiasm they might have had.

Basically don't let those kind of posters throw you too much. They are actually the scariest poster on these forums. They are like cult members who have surrendered their souls to their master. I think it was a few months ago that one of them actually said the most important thing for any game to have was waggle controls.

Yeah I know I better put on my flame retardant vest as soon as humanly possible.

 I wasn't trying to judge people based on their system preference, I was just curious on how excited this community was for such a hyped up game.  I personally think that the hype is deserved.  I have noticed from just reading thread after thread that everything does turn into which system is better blah blah blah.  I again, was just wondering what type of interest this game is getting from this community.  That is basically it.  Thanks for everyone who has pitched in. 

And for the person who questioned the other person about RPG's, I originally made a comment that I thought (could be wrong) that many people in this community prefer RPG's.  That is all. 

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GTA4 will be awesome, im still trying to decide wether to get 360 or PS3 version!

anybody who says this game is going to be the same as san andreas has no idea of what they are talking about and have not looked at enough previews, otherwise they wouldn't have made such a false comment

reworked shooting system to play more like gears and make for some better action

16 game modes online with racing and shooting

Obviously next gen graphics and detail with a new polished look to it( a very fitting art direction actually)

A deeper storyline where the decisions u make affect the course of the story mode( like now u need to have freinds sell u guns make a good relationship with them and they will even drive to u when u ask them to, no more walking into a gun store)

more realistic actions( a cant just get into a car and drive away first u have to smash the window open and hotwire it)

are just a few of the elements added into gta 4

If anything games like SSBB and Halo 3 were just more of the same. GTA 4 will almost be as big of a step up as GTA 3 was to GTA 2

hell yeaaaaaaaa

I've never been much of an open-world gamer. I tend to prefer more linear-style games that cater to the ADD crowd. I'll have to rent it and see, though, as I have to somehow figure out what all the hype is about. I tried GTA on the PS2 but just couldn't get into it. Maybe this time it will change my mind.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
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I really wasnt that hyped for it, but I am recently. Definate pre-order for me, just deciding where from. Amazon seems cheaper, but I always seem to get them a day early from gameplay...hmm..

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