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I think the majority of posters on these forums are interested. Except for those that only own a Wii console. I would like to say its nothing more then system bias however being a member of this site for some time. I actually know that mature games in general and Grand Theft Auto clones on the system in particular haven't been popular in the least.

Basically if a game cannot be enjoyed by a child in kindergarten, your senile grand parent, and a guy who is physically challenged. Well for your basic Wii owner it just isn't what is considered a stimulating game experience. Besides the game has no plushy cute cartoon characters to relate to. That immediately kills any enthusiasm they might have had.

Basically don't let those kind of posters throw you too much. They are actually the scariest poster on these forums. They are like cult members who have surrendered their souls to their master. I think it was a few months ago that one of them actually said the most important thing for any game to have was waggle controls.

Yeah I know I better put on my flame retardant vest as soon as humanly possible.