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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Anybody here excited for GTA4?

New to posting here, but I am a long time creeper to the site.  I really enjoy reading what everybody has to comment but I was wondering about the population here concerning GTA4.  It seems to me that many of the people here are more into the RPG's.  So I was wondering how many of you are anticipating GTA4?  I keep reading more and more about how good this game is from the different previews.   Just wondering what people's thoughts are on this game.  If this game does not interest you, please explain why?  I know its hard to judge a game you haven't played but this game seems to be heading in a very positive direction.  Anyways let me know how interested you are in this game, if at all.




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No interest, I never even played GTA3

^Guy pissing on Microsoft Sign



and yes gta iv will be the best game ever, EVER yes i went there.

I have my special edition on pr eoder! too bad i won't be able to play it till my MGS4 PS3 arrives from Japan haha. I could always buy 2 ps3.. although i have better things to do with my money. GTAIV Will be huge, there's no doubt, I just find it impossible for Rockstar to screw this up after what they did on the ps2.

Im more excited for MGS4, I dont even care about this game. Even though I pre ordered it in october, I hope it gives me hundres of hours of game time.


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What games do you prefer?  What about GTA4 doesn't interest you?  This is the first game I have been excited about for a long time.  I am just trying to see why other people are not interested.   

Im also getting the limited edition and yes im am excited (no as much as I am for MGS4)


Yes one of my most anticipated games of the year :)

08' Year End Predictions

Wii: 46 Million
Xbox 360:
26 Million

PS3: 22 Million

Sale Predictions:

Gears Of War 2 - 7 Million
Fable 2 - 3 Million
Left 4 Dead - 1.5 Million
Infinite Undiscovery - 700k
Tales Of Vesperia - 550k
The Last Remnant - 700k
Ninja Gaiden - 800k LTD [?] On its way.
Banjo-Kazooie N&B - 2 Million
Lost Odyssey - 500k LTD [X] surpassed
Too Human - 1.4 Million






I must say i am definitely excited for this game, Just replayed San andreas again and found it a great experience, can't wait. Though the way it looks i might have to get it on the 360, don't have enough money for the PS3 right now, and i can get a 360 arcade for half the price of a ps3 , and could find a 360 hard drive 4 about £20.

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Man i have too many consoles..... 

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"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

"Man is not the creature of circumstancesCircumstances are the creatures of men"

I'm somewhat excited. My only apprehension at this stage is that it will be more of the same. Every GTA since GTA3 has been the same old premise with superficial additions and I've grown tired of it. I want to see some REAL innovation, but trailers and previews I've seen so far suggest the contrary.