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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft: For Honor isn't coming to Nintendo Switch

RolStoppable said:
Intrinsic said:

This was your first post..... and the second post on this thread. You started that nonesense with the bolded part of your post. Why should it be infuriating to people that the NS is selling well? First "bait" you dropped in this thread.

Unfortunately he bit your bait here and responded to you in kind. Remember you started this and pretty much set the negative tone of this thread.

Now this is you talking like you aren't the one that started all this to begn with. And whats even funnier is that you missed that the bolded part in my post? is actually a statement that applies to every single kinda gamer. Everyone has theirpreferences. For most that prefernce can be appeased by being on any one single platform. For some they may need to buy into two or more platforms. 

Whatever the case though, you started this, and you have a habit of doing this very thing whenever it comes to nintendo anything.

Nintendo success tends to rile up people. They then create threads or rush into them to say why none of the success matters. My comment is grounded in VGC history. There are people who want Nintendo to fail and they are all over anything that could support their agenda.

Speaking from first hand experience it is not Nintendo's success that's riling people up. It's the incessant fanboys that can't stop salivating and spouting nonsense. Sure they do that too when Nintendo is in a bad spot but not with such a great sense of self righteousness.

I personally dread the moment when it becomes clear that the Switch could become a success like Wii.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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GhaudePhaede010 said:
Otter said:


Switch has around 30 retail games confirmed for year 1. Most console have that same amount on launch day.

Hey look, a liar.

Well looks like I overestimated the number of PS4 launch games (still more than Switch) and I guess its really influenced by the number of games which have garnered attention, but I would compell you to focus on the actual point.

By any metric Switch falls short in terms releases this year than competing systems at launch, you can compare Switch vs PS4/Xbox One retail at launch and Switch looses by a strong margin, you can compare the same with digital release and it looses by an even greater margin. There's a discernable weakness in its software line which even Nintendo has acknoweldged, that is where the "Dearth" of games comments come from. 

The 100 games in development line could be spread over 3 years and is not much of a counter argument. Comparatively PS4 had 80+games released at retail by december 2014, well over 100 including PSN.



1st of all, on topic: no shit Sherlock, this and pretty much every upcoming AAA game will skip it. It's a handheld.

2nd, I really hate some of this BS about trying to objectively quantify which games are the best. Some people should have realized by now that not everyone shares the same tastes, so this list of 'best games' is pretty much pointless.
Looking at that supposed list of top 10 highest rated games, I like 1 of them. Used to like another one (Soul Calibur) back on the Dreamcast but I'm over fighting games for years.

Also, a top games list of all time without Castlevania SOTN or any Souls/Borne game speaks volumes to me about it's significance :)

RolStoppable said:
vivster said:

Speaking from first hand experience it is not Nintendo's success that's riling people up. It's the incessant fanboys that can't stop salivating and spouting nonsense. Sure they do that too when Nintendo is in a bad spot but not with such a great sense of self righteousness.

I personally dread the moment when it becomes clear that the Switch could become a success like Wii.

Well yes, that will come too. We've had a build-up for years of Nintendo supposedly being on the brink of calling it quits in the hardware business. The waves of retaliation will be enormous, especially when you take into consideration the current general consensus on Switch's chances to be successful. It's going to be similar to Splatoon sales predictions, but by a magnitude of at least ten times greater.

I will try to hold the tide then. Until it reaches the psychological 80m mark I will try my best to spread doom, distorting the echoes in the chamber as best as I can.

Dunno if the forum can handle the Nintendo singularity.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Pemalite said:
Alkibiádēs said:

You're counting the same game multiple times (ports). For example, GTA V is listed no less than 4 times (and reviews were obviously bought, just like every GTA game). If you only count unique games, as you should, Nintendo has 5 games in the top ten, which is by far the most for any single company. 

That's shifting the goal post.

But okay. Let's change it up.

1) Zelda.
2) Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2.
3) Grand Theft Auto 4.
4) Soul Caliber.
5) Super Mario Galaxy.
6) Super Mario Galaxy 2.
7) Grand Theft Autio 5.
8) Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3.
9) Perfect Dark.
10) Metroid Prime.

Still only 4 there. Perfect Dark is owned by Microsoft and is on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. So I guess that's not counted as unique?

Let's shift it to the top 20?

11) Grand Theft Autio 3.
12) Halo: Combat Evolved.
13) NFL 2k1.
14) Half Life 2.
15) Bioshock.
16) Golden Eye 007.

Golden eye was made by Rare, now owned by Microsoft, the I.P doesn't belong to Nintendo. But can be included if you want. Otherwise...

17) Uncharted 2.
18) Resident Evil 4.
19) The Orange Box.
20) Batman Arkham City.
21) Tekken 3.
22) Mass Effect 2

And then finally... We come to Twilight princess at number 23.

So it's still far from a 50/50 Nintendo owned split. ;)

And who is to say Nintendo didn't pay for any of it's rankings? Regardless you are just confirming the point that... Metacritic is entirely useless and not representativie of personal taste. So congratulations in agreeing with me.

Rare's games were only good because Nintendo guided them in the right direction. Take Armature Studios for example, they consist of veteran developers of the Metroid Prime Trilogy, including the director, but they haven't made a good game since they left Retro Studios and Nintendo. The same is true for Rare. 

Ps: I never said metacritic was a good indicator of quality, I'm just pointing out that you were counting the same games multiple times. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

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This is kind of hilarious, everybody knows what kind of game Switch is not gonna get but somehow we need to make a thread about everyone of them to make it looks like things are going wrong for Switch. But they aren't.

Yes because a 4 year old Rayman port is gonna sell so much better than a completely new game.

OdinHades said:
Pemalite said:

Only 3 Nintendo games in the top 10 of metacritic.

Yeah, I kinda counted GTA 5 on PS3, 360, X1 and PS4 as one game, same with GTA 4 and stuff. At least to me, that's one game. But what the hell do I know.

OMG.... you guys stil pushing this nonsense.

Fact.... if you look at the top 10, 20, 30  or even top 100 games on mata..... all games with over a 92 average on Meta covering a span of over 10+ years.

You will not find ONLY nintendo games on that list.

This argument started because someone chose to say if you don't buy nintendo then you will miss out on the BEST games. Suggesting that the only place to play the BEST games is on a nintendo platform. What permalite is saying and has proved time and time again is that that is not an accurate statement.

And this is all just looking at the data, when in truth even getting into an argument about "best" games is folly because game preference is subjective.

RolStoppable said:

Well yes, that will come too. We've had a build-up for years of Nintendo supposedly being on the brink of calling it quits in the hardware business. The waves of retaliation will be enormous, especially when you take into consideration the current general consensus on Switch's chances to be successful. It's going to be similar to Splatoon sales predictions, but by a magnitude of at least ten times greater.

I hope this won't start some sort of bitter argument, but I am curious to know. So consider this me asking a candid question.

By all inications, you seem to believe that the NS will go onto sell Wii like numbers. Or at the very worst sell over 80M consoles. Why? What makes you thik that?

To avoid any conflict, let me make my position on this clear and state my reasons. I hope when answering me you don't attack whatevr MY reasons are fro thinking what I do and instead just give me what your own reasons are.

I believe the NS will sell no more than 50M consoles. Which isn't bad but actually really good. And here is why.

  1. The NS straddles a world between home and handheld console game. Looking at it from a math perspective, their last "home" console sold around 15M, their last handheld console is selling around 65M consoles. An average of both will be around 40M. This is assuming that its successful on the grounds of it being a hybrid console.  it can't be looked at individually s one or the other. 

  2. If we look at the wiiU as a marker for the NS potential, then it will be bad all round, if we look at the 3DS as a marker, then we must consider that there is probably a good deal of people that didn't only buy multiple 3DS consoles, but bought one and a wiiU. Basically, the NS succeeding, kinda means the relevance of a dedicated portabe gaming console (3DS) is reduced, because technically, the NS is also a dedicated portable gaming console.

  3. Third parties are important. Contrary to what nintendo would like to have anyone believe. The evidence suggests that outside the Wii, the only nintendo hardware that has sold more than 40M consoles, is the Super Nintendo. That console existed the last time nintendo had any kinda real presence in the third party scene. And this is over a period of over 20 years. 

  4. On a handheld front, nintendo is without equal, and some could look at the success of their handhelds as indication of how successful the NS would be, but I think this will be a mistake. First off, looking at the data again, there is a drop of almost 60% when looking at sales of the DS (154M) compared to that of the 3DS(65M). Which can clearly be explained by the massive shrink in the dedicated handheld market entirely due to the growth of mobile devices.So it will be senseless to gauge the success of the NS for its mobile prowess without considerring how different a market it is now. 

  5. The price, as a handheld, the NS is very very very expensive. The DS launched at $130, the 3DS at $250 and had its price slashed by almost $100 within its first 6 months or so. As a home console, its a very very expensive underpowered machine. The only thing to justify the cost of the NS right now is if looking at it as a hybrid. Its left to be seen how important that "feature" is going to be to everyone. Cause this basically means we are banking on a market that we do not yet know how strong it could be or not. How many people really want a hybrid? Cause thats its biggest strenght. It cannot sell well as a handheld at its current price, and it cannot sell well as a dedicated console with its current price, power and library.
I have tried to clearly list out my points and reasons as to why I think the NS wouldn't sell more than 50M. Which in truth isn't even a bad number. And all my points are based on actual data and trends. Not on how I "feel". 

Well... i guess we'll be having this news everytime a new 3rd party game for the ps4 and x1 comes out.

I don't see how any of it is unexpected.