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RolStoppable said:
vivster said:

Speaking from first hand experience it is not Nintendo's success that's riling people up. It's the incessant fanboys that can't stop salivating and spouting nonsense. Sure they do that too when Nintendo is in a bad spot but not with such a great sense of self righteousness.

I personally dread the moment when it becomes clear that the Switch could become a success like Wii.

Well yes, that will come too. We've had a build-up for years of Nintendo supposedly being on the brink of calling it quits in the hardware business. The waves of retaliation will be enormous, especially when you take into consideration the current general consensus on Switch's chances to be successful. It's going to be similar to Splatoon sales predictions, but by a magnitude of at least ten times greater.

I will try to hold the tide then. Until it reaches the psychological 80m mark I will try my best to spread doom, distorting the echoes in the chamber as best as I can.

Dunno if the forum can handle the Nintendo singularity.

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