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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can we agree Nintendo should go third party, now?

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Shaddup, you Pony! 676 36.13%
Switch > PC/PS4/XBO 376 20.10%
I can buy them all, anyway 99 5.29%
Nintendon't need more 29 1.55%
Keep only doing handhelds 81 4.33%
Maybe one more gen... 78 4.17%
Sounds good! 277 14.80%
I have always wanted it... 90 4.81%
Don't care about Nintendo 125 6.68%
Sonic > Mario 40 2.14%

Just imagine how much better Zelda, Xenoblade and Mario would look and play in 4K 60FPS on PS4 Pro. And game sales would not be limitied by a small userbase consisting mostly of small kindergarten age kids.

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Acevil said:

Guess 3DS sold nothing after all, also if you are going based user/revenue, Mobile and PC trump consoles in every regard, should consoles become obsolete?

People didn't want a 3DS they wanted to play 3DS games.

And very much yes, consoles should go obsolete, it's not like they're taking a long time to get there.

etking said:
Just imagine how much better Zelda, Xenoblade and Mario would look and play in 4K 60FPS on PS4 Pro.

Oh gosh! Zelda in 4k!

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Honestly, I wouldn't mind it at all. The more people who can play Nintendo's games, the better.

Mod the hell out of their games on PC, yessir!

BraLoD said:
Hapuc12 said:

It's exactly doom and gloom it's not a win win situation even if you use a little of that thing called brain.

You would know,that Nintendo would Sink shit ton of there resources too keep there business alive they don't have other Sectors like Sony with their camera division there Movie division and god knows what else and Microsoft with Windows,Surface pro,Cloud or whatever else etc etc.

That would mean shit ton of jobs would be lost because of Restructuring their studios to comodate for other consoles more resources would have to be put to develop games for PS,Xbox consoles and PC a lot more then their own home consoles.

So you are the one addressing doom and gloom? Then follow your own advice and stop it.

Yiu ask people to stop doing something they are not doing while being the one doing it, maybe you should use a bit more of that thing called brain.

Yes i am saying when posts like this and comments come,that is doom and gloom in my book,it's not a Win Win for them to got Third party like i said in my coment shit ton of stuff isn't accounted in your post.

Sony has more chance to go third Party then Nintendo and i Love Sony more then all other companies combined.

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KyleeStrutt said:
Acevil said:

Guess 3DS sold nothing after all, also if you are going based user/revenue, Mobile and PC trump consoles in every regard, should consoles become obsolete?

People didn't want a 3DS they wanted to play 3DS games.

And very much yes, consoles should go obsolete, it's not like they're taking a long time to get there.

Okay can I tell you something, they will, same with Nintendo going third party, just going to take awhile. 


BraLoD said:
onionberry said:

no no I'm not mad at you, not personal babe. I'm mad at the whole internet, it's a normal thing for me after a Nintendo reveal.

But I want Nintendo to be better and do well...

How is coughing up revenue to hardware publisher making them do better? Bigger audience? More microtransaction competition in terms of publishers?


Hapuc12 said:

Yeah no,they have money to last till 2050 i watched top 10 Nintendo hidden facts i think the video was called that.

And people saying the console will flop they are making money from every console being sold so losing money yeah no plus they get 100% profit from there own games and 30-40% of other third party games like PS4/Xbox/PC is.

Switch is Japan's wet dream and if the console sells 30+ milion they have achieved their goal plus the money from online that they will put maybe not a lot of people won't pay but there a good amount of people that will.

And Amibos they are making money from that stuff regardless.

And people stop with this doom and gloom Jesus Christ.

Haptic...Thank you someone who gets it comment so far ....just like someone said ....Port beggars ....I've been gaming since the 70s ...these new gamers don't get it ....Nintendo will never consider going 3rd party as long as their software continues to sell gaming the money is in the software not hardware ..smh ...when will people realize that ...they profit because their software sells ...Nintendo didn't gain them billions in the ds and wii era from hardware it was software ...example 35 million Mario kart games sold ..wii sports ,80,000,000 sold ,all first party 100 percent profit...every generation they make a profit because of software and peripherals.....not hardware 

BraLoD said:
onionberry said:

no no I'm not mad at you, not personal babe. I'm mad at the whole internet, it's a normal thing for me after a Nintendo reveal.

But I want Nintendo to be better and do well...

I want them free and crazy and not tied to others, for each "Arms" and each "1.2" switch we have a xenoblade and breath of the wild. Without their freedom we would have a bunch of new super mario bros wii and a bunch of twilight princess.

well maybe we have different perspective, and I apologize.

It won't happen, but it doesn't mean their games still won't be as good as ever. But let's face it, heartbroken Nintendo fans would shun the games because they don't have a console of their own. It would be the Sega effect all over again.