Superman4 said:
sc94597 said: Nope. As far as I see it. Nintendo is the only company innovating. |
So what your saying is you are blind? What is Nintendo innovating? Change isnt innovation. Change that makes something better, more useable, more powerfull etc. is innovation. Making a portable that you dock? Nintendo is grasping at straws hoping something sticks. The Wii, WiiU and now the switch are all gimmicks that draw initial support to see where it goes. In the mean time you have Sony and Microsoft actually innovating. Sony was the first console to bring cameras and motion control to consoles, advertising it and making it a focal point didnt really happen but the games it did have were fun. Microsoft expanded on that with a much better camera and tracking. Nintendo went with IR and Gyros for the Wii. Microsoft revolutionized the console markets online game play with cross game chat and a much better echosystem. NIntendo has yet to embrace this aspect of gaming while Sony has now surpased Microsoft. Sony introduced remoteplay via its handheld letting you take games with you or play games on your PS3 while you were away using your Vita. You could also use the vita as a second screen or controller while in game. This will be the last Nintendo home console.
This post is so blatanly filled with contradictions that it is funny:
1. If making the Switch a portable is a gimmick or Nintendo grasping as straws. Then why are systems like PSP and Vita that were also advertised as portable systems capable of delivering home console-like experiences not gimmicks to you.
2. By your logic Wii was a gimmick. However, Sony "innovated" by adding motion controls to its consoles (and no neither Sony nor Nintendo were first to do this btw; although Nintendo and Sony did it at about the same time). You literraly criticized the Wii for having an IR camera (also check your facts the IR sensor in the Wii Remote is in fact a camera and it came out before Playstation Eye; again neither were first to use a camera) and gyro (it was in fact just an accelerometer, the motion plus added a gyro) but praised Sony for having a camera accessory and motion controls (which also includes a gyro).
3. You also praise remote play and the ability to use Vita as a second screen (which is apparently not Sony graspsing at straws; but by your definition innovation), but again you literally criticized Nintendo for making a second screen experience on Wii U not to mention making a portable that lets you take console quality games on the go (without the need for an internet connection).
4. "This will be the last Nintendo home console" - yeah based on some of those distortions of reality, where you take something that Sony did and mark it as innovation while taking the exact something from Nintendo and marking as a gimmick, I would say that Nintendo leaving the hardware space would probably be a wish of yours.
Here are a list of innovations Nintendo made (many of which consist of taking existing ideas and adapting them to video game systems)
-The standard controller layout (minus dual analogs)
-The analog stick
-Portable system with exchangable cartridges
-Using dual screens
-3D screen for gaming systems
-AR for gaming systems