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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can we agree Nintendo should go third party, now?

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Shaddup, you Pony! 676 36.13%
Switch > PC/PS4/XBO 376 20.10%
I can buy them all, anyway 99 5.29%
Nintendon't need more 29 1.55%
Keep only doing handhelds 81 4.33%
Maybe one more gen... 78 4.17%
Sounds good! 277 14.80%
I have always wanted it... 90 4.81%
Don't care about Nintendo 125 6.68%
Sonic > Mario 40 2.14%

Their testing the waters. I can remember
nintendo games on mobile was unthinkable. Saying Sega on Nintendo, on the 90's playground would have led to a beating, so never say never.

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Some people just never want to understand.

In my perfect universe, I can play every game I would ever want to play on my PC, and not really miss much if I didn't own any current gen console at all, so if Nintendo went 3rd party, I really wouldn't mind much.

At the same time, I can't imagine the intense meltdowns and drama that would be caused by something like that, honestly I might even take a short break from gaming if something like that happened.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

They have a strong games library which means you could argue for and against going third party. Strong games library means you can push some hardware with it but it also means you can sell many many games if you develop for other platforms. A Super Mario on PC, XBox and PS would sell probably really awesome.

Not sure what's best for Nintendo, for me it would be nice since I really like some Nintendo games but I don't like their hardware since N64 or maybe Gamecube. I'm not a graphics whore who only plays games if they look nice but I would still prefer Nintendo's art-style on strong hardware. And all the games I care about from Nintendo would run awesome on other consoles or PC with Xbox or PS controller.

This reminds me of the old days when people would open thread after thread how nintendo should make games for mobile/smartphones... What were those OP's thinking =p

Anyway the switch situation doesn't look that good and I always find it awkard to see it release in a month when other hot wanted games like Mass Effect release but don't do on the switch... It needs Japan and I wonder what is going to happen with new games in the future like Yokai watch/level 5 games/Monster hunter etc..

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I used to oppose this idea whole heartedly, but lately, it's been more and more half heartedly. It's still too early to tell if Switch should be Nintendo's last (home) console, but it's not off to a great start considering their over priced accessories and paid online service. I'll give them this gen to prove to me that they deserve to be making my consoles.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

aikohualda said:
no... nintendo try other stuff other than RAW power....

fad or not... fail or success... at least they try to offer something different that could push more imagination....

The last time they tried that was during the GC era. Because Wii U wasn't in any way a powerhouse and hopelessly outclassed by hardware that released a year later.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Why are people so eager to have a third console that is almost exactly the same? My only worry is that the price will be too high to attract the handheld crowd. Currently I'm excited for Arms, Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Project Octopath Traveler, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Super Mario Odyssey. I'm also looking forward to games like Skyrim: Special Edition (never played the original) and Dragonball Xenoverse 2. That's 9 games in total and most of them are slated for 2017. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

I think the product is genius, true innovation. Just remember all the great games that the 3DS had - the Switch is MANY times more powerful - way more powerful than even a PsVita. The Psvita screen is 540P while the Switch is 720p and looks very high quality.
A console power handheld that will have all Nintendo future games.
Very impressed with the Switch, and the Joycons are way more advanced than I assumed. Really fun.
What sold me on it was when I saw Mario Kart running on it , two people can play without any additional controller purchases, ANYWHERE.
For those that have kids it's a cheap console to buy, no need to purchase a second controller (what games even support split screen on PS4 and Xbox one?) or even the need to have a TV for the kids to play on. Nintendo needs to drive that point home.
Split screen has been dead on Xbox one and PS4 but Nintendo has now resurrected it.

I am not a Nintendo fanboy , never owned a Wii U or Wii, only Nintendo consoles I ever owned are a NES , DS and 3DS.
The mistake they are making is that they are not bundling 1 2 Switch with the console. The price is fine given what we are getting, and i think the first wave of buyers will justify the price of 300€ than they will lower it to 250€ within a year to attract the mass market once they can mass produce it.

Some of you don't get what this machine is , just look at all the games that came out for the 3DS , where will all those developers turn next? I think it will be the Switch.
I think the Switch will perhaps not be as successful as the Wii but will at least reach the success of the 3DS and hopefully even surpass it.

The problem with the case made in the OP and pretty much all these threads where people say Nintendo should go 3rd party is they make bad assumptions. If Nintendo went third party, they lose:

Hardware revenue
Accessory revenue
Licensing fees from other companies making software/accessories for their platform
Their own digital store, along with all the revenue from it
And coming soon, revenue from online subscription fees

They lose all of this for what? The potential to maybe potentially sell more software on other platforms? It's easy to assume that if Zelda sells such and such solely on one platform, it would sell X amount more on Xbone/PS4. That clashes directly with the point made in the OP about Nintendo having no direct competition. If you put Zelda onto other platforms where you also have gems like Witcher among others, who is to say Zelda sells as well? Same with all the Mario sports titles, and party games. Or Mario Kart. If gamers could choose Horizon 3 over Mario Kart, who is to say they wouldn't?

And with direct competition, they lose another thing I didn't list above: price gouging. Nintendo titles take FOR EV ER to drop in price, if they ever do. They lose that if they go multiplat. They simply will not be able to compete when other great games are there on sale for $20-30 and their titles are still $50-60.

It's always been a silly idea, and still is after the Switch reveal.