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VGPolyglot said:

So, I decided to remove my avatar for now, until I got the mod team to approve it. Am I allowed to use this?:

Absolutely not.


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Carl2291 said:
VGPolyglot said:

So, I decided to remove my avatar for now, until I got the mod team to approve it. Am I allowed to use this?:

Absolutely not.


VG is a trooper. He did it, so that we may live.

ehm that shit was actually allowed before you cucks :lul:

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

VGPolyglot said:

So, I decided to remove my avatar for now, until I got the mod team to approve it. Am I allowed to use this?

- Mod Edit -

Removed image, added a link instead. We don't need that on the page.


Just for the record, I liked it. Those women are in love.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Around the Network
COKTOE said:
VGPolyglot said:

So, I decided to remove my avatar for now, until I got the mod team to approve it. Am I allowed to use this?

- Mod Edit -

Removed image, added a link instead. We don't need that on the page.


Just for the record, I liked it. Those women are in love.

I've got an avatar waiting of Chun Li in a whole different engagement. But we can't have it sadly. Unfair and cruel.

OTBWY said:
COKTOE said:

Just for the record, I liked it. Those women are in love.

I've got an avatar waiting of Chun Li in a whole different engagement. But we can't have it sadly. Unfair and cruel.

:) I hear ya bro. I had this one removed almost immediately a couple years ago:

It's all good though. We get a fairly wide birth. I would have let Poly's in if I had a say, but whatevs. I can see why it didn't pass muster.

Last edited by COKTOE - on 21 January 2018

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

RolStoppable said:
Aeolus451 said:

He made statements of opinion that can't be substantiated but the counter to his can't be substantiated either. He did explain his opinion and why he thought it. It's not like he's making up fake numbers or holding an opinion against overwhelming evidence like flat earthers.

The one post about drugs is an argument that could made about any product that was popular but the fans not learning a lesson about the company's habits. It's not unique to one fanbase, all of 'em do it to some degree. Anyway, the real meat of this is whether or not he posted with the intention of riling up people. It doesn't seem like it.

I've seen him posting on other kinds of threads. He just states what his opinion is just as it is so his posts turn out edgy or seem mildly insulting to something he doesn't like. It never comes off as his intention was to rile up anyone. I disagree with him a lot in the other threads so I have no reason to side with him on this other than on principal.

The counter-argument to Pagan's posts can be backed up with plenty of evidence. What Pagan said is actually comparable to saying that the Earth is flat.

When Pagan portrayed the other side as "give me gimmicky games", it was equal to "we want shitty games" based on the context of his previous posts. That's plain insulting and comes with a clear intention to rile other people up.

It's not like the mod team isn't aware of this. zorg1000's ban note contains explicit agreement with zorg's posts which makes it all the more baffling that the instigator was let off the hook. When someone makes a claim, the burden of proof is on them. What the mod team does, however, is to hold the opposition to a standard where it is a must to follow all rules and procedure, making it a necessity to disprove claims. Meanwhile, the initial claim isn't held to any standards; apparently people are free to say whatever comes to their mind and don't have to back it up with anything. If that's how VGC is moderated, then intelligent discussion will have a hard time of happening, because the illogical and unreasonable gets preferential treatment.

As for your reasons to side with Pagan, you have one that you didn't mention: He made an argument against Nintendo and that falls in line with your own argumentation. In the past you've made unreasonable claims like "Nintendo doesn't make games for adults" and "artificial shortages and artificial demand", so it is in your best interest to have a forum where you are free to say such things without being held accountable for them.

I disagree with ya completely. By your standards, anyone in a thread about religion could be banned because they can't prove something. Do you not understand what an opinion is?

RolStoppable said:
Aeolus451 said:

I disagree with ya completely. By your standards, anyone in a thread about religion could be banned because they can't prove something. Do you not understand what an opinion is?

The existence of a god or gods can neither be proved or disproved, so by my standards neither stance would be a bannable offense.

Your example of religion isn't comparable to the presented case here. After all, the games Nintendo made are facts.

The interpretation of games is subjective. Everyone is gonna have a different opinion of games. You can't ban people for having a dissenting opinion on something subjective just because you don't like their opinion. Being wrong or right is irrelevant in this because his opinions can't be proven either way. His intention is what matters and so far you're the only one who attributed malice behind behind what he said.

RolStoppable said:
Aeolus451 said:

The interpretation of games is subjective. Everyone is gonna have a different opinion of games. You can't ban people for having a dissenting opinion on something subjective just because you don't like their opinion. Being wrong or right is irrelevant in this because his opinions can't be proven either way. His intention is what matters and so far you're the only one who attributed malice behind behind what he said.

I attribute malice to his posts because his opinion is inconsistent with the facts.

1. He says that the IPs NIntendo put out in 2017 were good while the same IPs were present during the years he describes as no good.

2. He says that Labo is what he doesn't like and that during some years of Nintendo's past they completely focused on such games.

These are major contradictions and that's why he isn't merely having an opinion, but arranging pieces to get a rise out of others. The facts do not line up with his claims. That he made an additional post for the sole purpose to insult others makes it clear that malice was in play.

The mod team has yet to comment on this case. Since I am aware that they loathe it to say that I am right, I take their silence as silent agreement while they are sitting in mod chat and hope that the issue ceases to be interesting and stops being discussed.

Just because you think something is a fact doesn't make it one especially if it can't be proven either way. Disagreeing with your "facts" doesn't equate to showing that their intention was to rile up anyone.