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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

Given the numbers its quite clear that it will be less than 1 / 2 TF. It was expected. Those who were expecting bigger performance will be disappointed.

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SmileyAja said:
Then again, this is just a rumor, might not be true.

Remember the Foxconn leak? It was quickly discredited mainly because the 1080p screen and the pro version (which he later said was a dev kit). BUT, not only did he provide an accurate description of the dev kit pics that were leaked a day before the Switch trailer was out (and it ended up looking strikingly similar to the Switch), with the patents he got even more stuff right.

For example, he predicted the buttons on the side of the joy-cons (calling them SL & SR), the fact there is no fan in the dock (even though LKD said otherwise, though the patents aren't 100% accurate), a 4G version (mobile networking functions were mentioned in the patent) which is definetly a detail not easily predictable.

Not to mention he stated that the Joy Cons have complicated innards, which fits with the fact that they have that infrared camera for reading vein patterns and similar stuff packed in there.

So going by this, he says the screen is 1080p (though it might not be accurate as he said he thinks it is from seeing it), the processor is much more powerful than the X1 (which counters this) and the battery is 4130mah.

Now going by logic LKD actually backed this rumor stating it matches the info she was given (probably piggybacking) but if it actually does it implies they have similar sources which have been wrong in the past (fan in Switch dock and maybe something else).

But I will say myself that this is strawgraspy and I don't really buy it myself (would love to be wrong here), as Eurogamer has been legit in the past, but a man can dream...

Stage 1: Denial.

Its eurogamer. Not some random rumor.

Aerys said:

Just as I was telling .

Itll be à WiiU+ in handhled mode and à XboxOne-- in home console mode.
Itll be to thé PS4 what vita was to thé PS3.
So theyll probably make thé DQXI in cell shading to port thé PS4 version on it without too much performance loss ( like Borderlands PS3 on vita)

Not bad if you prefer to play everywhere, same choice than thé Vita

Yeah... it's nowhere near the XBO.

OT: Good news for pricing perhaps, but yeah, at these specs, there will be no multiplats from any studio in the west, which is a pretty big chunk of library to lose out on. 

Say sayonara to any big 3rd party support.

That is very weak, for 2017 its abysmal.

daredevil.shark said:
SmileyAja said:
Then again, this is just a rumor, might not be true.

Remember the Foxconn leak? It was quickly discredited mainly because the 1080p screen and the pro version (which he later said was a dev kit). BUT, not only did he provide an accurate description of the dev kit pics that were leaked a day before the Switch trailer was out (and it ended up looking strikingly similar to the Switch), with the patents he got even more stuff right.

For example, he predicted the buttons on the side of the joy-cons (calling them SL & SR), the fact there is no fan in the dock (even though LKD said otherwise, though the patents aren't 100% accurate), a 4G version (mobile networking functions were mentioned in the patent) which is definetly a detail not easily predictable.

Not to mention he stated that the Joy Cons have complicated innards, which fits with the fact that they have that infrared camera for reading vein patterns and similar stuff packed in there.

So going by this, he says the screen is 1080p (though it might not be accurate as he said he thinks it is from seeing it), the processor is much more powerful than the X1 (which counters this) and the battery is 4130mah.

Now going by logic LKD actually backed this rumor stating it matches the info she was given (probably piggybacking) but if it actually does it implies they have similar sources which have been wrong in the past (fan in Switch dock and maybe something else).

But I will say myself that this is strawgraspy and I don't really buy it myself (would love to be wrong here), as Eurogamer has been legit in the past, but a man can dream...

Stage 1: Denial.

Its eurogamer. Not some random rumor.

And it's Eurogamer apparently based on documentation sent to developers. Seems pretty solid.


As expected, the Switch probably won't have any third party support for the big games, except for the 2-3 old ports like Skyrim at launch (and as expected, it answers the question "Why Skyrim and not Fallout 4?"). Too weak for an easy port for more demanding games... It's a handheld with a TV support, that's it, basically a more powerful PS Vita+Vita TV with Nintendo games. Nothing less, nothing more.

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Agreed, this is 99.99% gonna be the case,  I'm personally not planning on buying the Switch anyways, I'll much rather spend the money on decking my PC out. 

Though these are real dissapointing, worse than an X1 is just plain horrible, most people were expecting 500gflops at least, this is basically Wii U level performance.

Can't wait for the obligatory ReviewUSATech "Nintendo, if this is true, then..." video lmao.

Now thé réal talk : Will thé console be great and historical with à réal 3D Mario a la 64/Sunshine ?

If yes no matter its power, itd be day one at Mario release.

Lets jsut hope they got back this genius GameCube inspiration era.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Maybe now we can stop pretending that the words Nintendo and Power belong together. Nintendo goes with the cheap and weak route and have done this for decades. This thing will be abandoned by 3rd parties within a year. I hope it was worth it Nintendo.

Who possibly could have known?!

God, I hope everyone else is having this much fun!

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Random_Matt said:
Someone should d a prediction thread for what happens if this flops.

Now that they have mobile pumping money if this fails nothing hapens.

It will be WiiU all over again. Release console, console sells bad, gets almost no multiplatform games cause its too weak and devs dont bother, gets a bunch of good first party titles until they get tired of poor sales and stop caring and just move on to the next weak console and cycle repeats until they hit that Wii goal they keep chasing.

Are you a time traverler too? I saw the same things you describe when I traveled to 2027 ;)