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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

Intrinsic said:

Why I say you are fanning the flames is cause you arent only jumping the gun and being somewhst sensationalist, you are doing so while ignoring a lot of factors.

Games sell hardware, that has always been the case and will comtinue to be the case. Its why Japan so sony's best november so far. Its why NA is down now cause as many have pointed out to you, this november is nothing like last years on the software front. COD was literally down by almost 50%!!! And that game is biggest in NA.

Then you talk about a decline when sony clewlry pointer out they have had the best BF in playstation history, which clearly indicates that NA is not even their biggest market. And that they did very well everywhere else. 

And then you also have to consider that the biggest hitters of this gen are not even here yet, it really just seems like you are cherry picking information to suit your narrative. 

How can you say Sony is in trouble when by the end of this year they very well could have sold over 54M consoles? In three years? That's PS2/Wii level numbers right there!! 

And lastly, No company, including MS is structured to keep bleeding money. It's a business not a charity. That's why companies have divisions, if a division isn't doing well, they will cut it off eventually. Look at Apple with the iPod? you think Apple doesnt have the money to keep supporting the iPod if it wanted to? But it's tapering it off because it's become redundant. When the scorpio is released, if it doesn't turn things around for MS, believe me when I say that wouldn't bode well for the Xbox division. 

And domt forget, PlayStation isn't just consoles. We also have PSVue and PS+ which this gen is pulling in a lot of subscriptions. 

long and short of it is, it's not as bad as you make it sound and then there is a lot more to all of it than you are writing. You saying you are being objective just makes it worse cause you aremt looking at all the data. 

Great post, PlayStation is absolutly vital to Sony. They need to contiue to branch out the division and build their own mobile and portable devices around the PS4 OS and PSN. Even Sony TV's, Reciever's, Camcorderss, and Camera's should run on a Sony OS instead of being dragged down by Android. Moving to a One Sony mindset around a unified company OS will solidify their posisition in the future of electronics. If they continue to ride on others coat tails, they will eventually fall again, and if they fall again, they won't get back up. 

I could definitly see Microsoft rebranding the Xbox as Surface TV if they don't succeed with the Scorpio. As stupid as it may be, that rebranding, could be a major boon to the device, as it would disconnect it from the plague of being a "gaming" device. Even if it was exactly the same device, with all the functionallity MS has added to XBO and the UWA furute of Windows, it could completely click with people, and end up being the iPhone moment for consoles as a replacement for PC.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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3sexty said:
Intrinsic said:

Why I say you are fanning the flames is cause you arent only jumping the gun and being somewhst sensationalist, you are doing so while ignoring a lot of factors.

Games sell hardware, that has always been the case and will comtinue to be the case. Its why Japan so sony's best november so far. Its why NA is down now cause as many have pointed out to you, this november is nothing like last years on the software front. COD was literally down by almost 50%!!! And that game is biggest in NA.

Then you talk about a decline when sony clewlry pointer out they have had the best BF in playstation history, which clearly indicates that NA is not even their biggest market. And that they did very well everywhere else. 

And then you also have to consider that the biggest hitters of this gen are not even here yet, it really just seems like you are cherry picking information to suit your narrative. 

How can you say Sony is in trouble when by the end of this year they very well could have sold over 54M consoles? In three years? That's PS2/Wii level numbers right there!! 

And lastly, No company, including MS is structured to keep bleeding money. It's a business not a charity. That's why companies have divisions, if a division isn't doing well, they will cut it off eventually. Look at Apple with the iPod? you think Apple doesnt have the money to keep supporting the iPod if it wanted to? But it's tapering it off because it's become redundant. When the scorpio is released, if it doesn't turn things around for MS, believe me when I say that wouldn't bode well for the Xbox division. 

And domt forget, PlayStation isn't just consoles. We also have PSVue and PS+ which this gen is pulling in a lot of subscriptions. 

long and short of it is, it's not as bad as you make it sound and then there is a lot more to all of it than you are writing. You saying you are being objective just makes it worse cause you aremt looking at all the data. 

Yeh look I am basing my assessment on what happened in Nov. If proven true do you honestly really think that is not a bad situation to be in for Sony in the biggest amarket after a major pro relase/ launch aligned with psvr and price reduced slim all ariund the same time -  and again with one of their few profit making businesses. Are you honestly wanting to dicount this as a non event..Come on.. does this not ring alarm bells..And re MS bleeding money over xbox perpetually..again I have heard this way too long and and by the time they do decide to give it the chop (based on predicions like this I have heard since 2008), in all seriousness consoles may be a thing of the past.. This prediction currently stands prepetually unproven even after 10 years . If a genuine decline in the console market is being experience then of course MS are in the better position to weather the storm until they transition into the next phase of pc/ device/ service gaming integration.  BTW Sony have not done any homework in this space in part due to their exit from pc and devices.  Remember MS are the ones here with the dosh to commit into the future here and as said before even with the most conservative shareholder centric CEO appointed 3 years ago, they commited to at least another 2 years of xbox development. That is a fact.  Lets see if December bodes well for your argument.

Wait! What?

You're predicting the decline in consoles based on one NPD? Lol wow!

I'm sure Sony will be fine with their 18 to 20M consoles sold in this year. I think they're going to sell more than last year. How on earth can you conclude that consoles are declining. Xbox might be declining but Playstation sure isn't. O and Switch is just around the corner.

1 month of data in one country lmao!

Get a years trend of worldwide data before you even start to predict the decline in consoles. 

3sexty said:

Yeh look I am basing my assessment on what happened in Nov. If proven true do you honestly really think that is not a bad situation to be in for Sony in the biggest amarket after a major pro relase/ launch aligned with psvr and price reduced slim all ariund the same time -  and again with one of their few profit making businesses. Are you honestly wanting to dicount this as a non event..Come on.. does this not ring alarm bells..And re MS bleeding money over xbox perpetually..again I have heard this way too long and and by the time they do decide to give it the chop (based on predicions like this I have heard since 2008), in all seriousness consoles may be a thing of the past.. This prediction currently stands prepetually unproven even after 10 years . If a genuine decline in the console market is being experience then of course MS are in the better position to weather the storm until they transition into the next phase of pc/ device/ service gaming integration.  BTW Sony have not done any homework in this space in part due to their exit from pc and devices.  Remember MS are the ones here with the dosh to commit into the future here and as said before even with the most conservative shareholder centric CEO appointed 3 years ago, they commited to at least another 2 years of xbox development. That is a fact.  Lets see if December bodes well for your argument.

Wait! What?

You're predicting the decline in consoles based on one NPD? Lol wow!

I'm sure Sony will be fine with their 18 to 20M consoles sold in this year. I think they're going to sell more than last year. How on earth can you conclude that consoles are declining. Xbox might be declining but Playstation sure isn't. O and Switch is just around the corner.

1 month of data in one country lmao!

Get a years trend of worldwide data before you even start to predict the decline in consoles. 

Well yes there were just way to many positive sales increase factors on both side of the fence (Particularly sony with pro/vr/slim all aligned at the same time pretty much) that failed to deliver its killer blow just before christmas. So what do you make of that. Sony should have annihilated that month. Tell me why didnt they? I do not have an answer except to say that people may be over consoles -  a trend in early development. Yeh and in relation to Switch,- well as much as I really like Nintendo, I do not think this will work out at all.


Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

3sexty said:

Yeh look I am basing my assessment on what happened in Nov. If proven true do you honestly really think that is not a bad situation to be in for Sony in the biggest amarket after a major pro relase/ launch aligned with psvr and price reduced slim all ariund the same time -  and again with one of their few profit making businesses. Are you honestly wanting to dicount this as a non event..Come on.. does this not ring alarm bells..And re MS bleeding money over xbox perpetually..again I have heard this way too long and and by the time they do decide to give it the chop (based on predicions like this I have heard since 2008), in all seriousness consoles may be a thing of the past.. This prediction currently stands prepetually unproven even after 10 years . If a genuine decline in the console market is being experience then of course MS are in the better position to weather the storm until they transition into the next phase of pc/ device/ service gaming integration.  BTW Sony have not done any homework in this space in part due to their exit from pc and devices.  Remember MS are the ones here with the dosh to commit into the future here and as said before even with the most conservative shareholder centric CEO appointed 3 years ago, they commited to at least another 2 years of xbox development. That is a fact.  Lets see if December bodes well for your argument.

  1. North America is NOT the biggest market.  It was in the 6th gen, but its not anymore. Europe is the single biggest market right now. You and those that think NA is still the biggest market in gaming only say that because it's the biggest market for MS. But don't take my word for it. look here. 

    GTA5 [PS4] (NA/EU) : 3.92M/6.13M (this is just one example, with the exceotion of COD nearly every other gsme tracks better in EU)
    PS4 (total not current) (NA/EU) : ~15M/~19M

    Now check out the number for XB1. And you will see why it's clear that NA is the biggest market for MS. Not Sony, Don't forget Sony lost to 360 in NA by almost 2:1 yet still managed to come 2nd mostly from sales from EU.
  2. I don't know how you have heard that MS will axe the Xbox brand for as long as you say you have, especially considering how well MS did with the 360. Then if anything everyone was saying Sony wouldn't make the PS4 and how the PS4 would be DOA. And no one is saying MS is going to axe the Xbox we are just telling you that it matters to MS that Xbox is successful. Business is not a charity. If Apple can drop the iPod then anyone can drop anything once the market calls for it. 
  3. You keep talking about this decline..... but you are basing this all off one territory. The biggest selling franchise thus far for that one territory is COD (until GTA6). Unlike last year, COD did poorly, There was no fallout, not even an assassins Creed game....there are reasons why this year was bad for them, you just insist on ignoring them. 
  4. Ok, so Sony exited from the PC business and downsized their TV and mobile business that were all bleeding money. That's good business sense, not a knock. Especially when you consider that they started PSVue whivh is a pretty big deal in case you don't know. And sony has PSnow, I don't know..... sony seems way more prepared for the future than you are giving them credit for. 
But yes, let's see if december bodes well for my argument. And to be clear what that argument is, PS4 will do well in NA. It will do better in EU, it will also do well in Japan and ROW. It will end the year having sold ~54M consoles worldwide. And all of that is by no means a bad thing, or indicative of any decline in console gaming. Let's not forget, the only things in the history of console gaming that has done as well as the PS4 launched alligned,date the PS2 and Wii..... how anyone can look at that and cute impending doom is beyond me. And RDR2, GTA6, GT7, GoW...etc have not even been released yet!!!! Sigh..... I give up. 

Libara said:
iNathan said:

Lmao sure they don't even give numbers for Surface, pretty sure is a major flop and another money sink like Bing  Xbox or many others, it's just that Microsoft can hide that behind their monstrous Windows and Office revenues. 

Don't try to fool people seriously, sure Microsoft is big but all they do recently apart from W10 and Cloud  is major flops aka Bing Xbox One Windows 8 Surface Kin etc. 

Sure they can one day become big brands, iphone didn't set the world on fire when launched. 

So $4.7bn profit for Surface and Cloud in one quarter is now considered a flop?

That was the whole Microsoft. 

Sales of the Surface devices reached $926m (£757m) a huge jump from $672m (£549m) from the same quarter the year before.

Again those are expensive so this means nothing, it still a flop marketshare wise. 

Around the Network
3sexty said:

Wait! What?

You're predicting the decline in consoles based on one NPD? Lol wow!

I'm sure Sony will be fine with their 18 to 20M consoles sold in this year. I think they're going to sell more than last year. How on earth can you conclude that consoles are declining. Xbox might be declining but Playstation sure isn't. O and Switch is just around the corner.

1 month of data in one country lmao!

Get a years trend of worldwide data before you even start to predict the decline in consoles. 

Well yes there were just way to many positive sales increase factors on both side of the fence (Particularly sony with pro/vr/slim all aligned at the same time pretty much) that failed to deliver its killer blow just before christmas. So what do you make of that. Sony should have annihilated that month. Tell me why didnt they? I do not have an answer except to say that people may be over consoles -  a trend in early development. Yeh and in relation to Switch,- well as much as I really like Nintendo, I do not think this will work out at all.


Worldwide they did annihilate the XB1. Well that happens anyway but the data we have and the 50M sold to customers show PS4 had a decent boost. No matter how you spin it, the PS4 shows no sign of decline. 

And I'll say it again, it's stupid to predict something like the decline in consoles from 1 month of NPD. You are starting to sound like you have a picture in your head and your trying to find the puzzle pieces to build that picture. None of the pieces fit but your insistent that they will make this picture. You've now reached the point where you are now squashing the pieces together so you can go 'ta-dah, told you it made a picture'.

I can't have a serious conversation with somebody who wants to predict the end of consoles based on one NPD. LMAO! 

Intrinsic said:
3sexty said:

Yeh look I am basing my assessment on what happened in Nov. If proven true do you honestly really think that is not a bad situation to be in for Sony in the biggest amarket after a major pro relase/ launch aligned with psvr and price reduced slim all ariund the same time -  and again with one of their few profit making businesses. Are you honestly wanting to dicount this as a non event..Come on.. does this not ring alarm bells..And re MS bleeding money over xbox perpetually..again I have heard this way too long and and by the time they do decide to give it the chop (based on predicions like this I have heard since 2008), in all seriousness consoles may be a thing of the past.. This prediction currently stands prepetually unproven even after 10 years . If a genuine decline in the console market is being experience then of course MS are in the better position to weather the storm until they transition into the next phase of pc/ device/ service gaming integration.  BTW Sony have not done any homework in this space in part due to their exit from pc and devices.  Remember MS are the ones here with the dosh to commit into the future here and as said before even with the most conservative shareholder centric CEO appointed 3 years ago, they commited to at least another 2 years of xbox development. That is a fact.  Lets see if December bodes well for your argument.


  1. North America is NOT the biggest market.  It was in the 6th gen, but its not anymore. Europe is the single biggest market right now. You and those that think NA is still the biggest market in gaming only say that because it's the biggest market for MS. But don't take my word for it. look here. 

    GTA5 [PS4] (NA/EU) : 3.92M/6.13M (this is just one example, with the exceotion of COD nearly every other gsme tracks better in EU)
    PS4 (total not current) (NA/EU) : ~15M/~19M

    Now check out the number for XB1. And you will see why it's clear that NA is the biggest market for MS. Not Sony, Don't forget Sony lost to 360 in NA by almost 2:1 yet still managed to come 2nd mostly from sales from EU.
  2. I don't know how you have heard that MS will axe the Xbox brand for as long as you say you have, especially considering how well MS did with the 360. Then if anything everyone was saying Sony wouldn't make the PS4 and how the PS4 would be DOA. And no one is saying MS is going to axe the Xbox we are just telling you that it matters to MS that Xbox is successful. Business is not a charity. If Apple can drop the iPod then anyone can drop anything once the market calls for it. 
  3. You keep talking about this decline..... but you are basing this all off one territory. The biggest selling franchise thus far for that one territory is COD (until GTA6). Unlike last year, COD did poorly, There was no fallout, not even an assassins Creed game....there are reasons why this year was bad for them, you just insist on ignoring them. 
  4. Ok, so Sony exited from the PC business and downsized their TV and mobile business that were all bleeding money. That's good business sense, not a knock. Especially when you consider that they started PSVue whivh is a pretty big deal in case you don't know. And sony has PSnow, I don't know..... sony seems way more prepared for the future than you are giving them credit for. 
But yes, let's see if december bodes well for my argument. And to be clear what that argument is, PS4 will do well in NA. It will do better in EU, it will also do well in Japan and ROW. It will end the year having sold ~54M consoles worldwide. And all of that is by no means a bad thing, or indicative of any decline in console gaming. Let's not forget, the only things in the history of console gaming that has done as well as the PS4 launched alligned,date the PS2 and Wii..... how anyone can look at that and cute impending doom is beyond me. And RDR2, GTA6, GT7, GoW...etc have not even been released yet!!!! Sigh..... I give up. 


Ok fair enough - some good points there.

December results it is then and even thereafter before we really know whats happening.. Mate I am really tired now so going to just chill out for a while Cheers :) all this typing is exhausting me!

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

Ah VGchart the only place where the PS4 is on to a massive decline even if their black Friday was the best they ever had worldwide. And a console is doomed if it doesn't sell 19 million in a fiscal year. Let's wait for the European and Japanese numbers before we conclude the PS4 is in trouble.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

3sexty said:

Well yes there were just way to many positive sales increase factors on both side of the fence (Particularly sony with pro/vr/slim all aligned at the same time pretty much) that failed to deliver its killer blow just before christmas. So what do you make of that. Sony should have annihilated that month. Tell me why didnt they? I do not have an answer except to say that people may be over consoles -  a trend in early development. Yeh and in relation to Switch,- well as much as I really like Nintendo, I do not think this will work out at all.


Worldwide they did annihilate the XB1. Well that happens anyway but the data we have and the 50M sold to customers show PS4 had a decent boost. No matter how you spin it, the PS4 shows no sign of decline. 

And I'll say it again, it's stupid to predict something like the decline in consoles from 1 month of NPD. You are starting to sound like you have a picture in your head and your trying to find the puzzle pieces to build that picture. None of the pieces fit but your insistent that they will make this picture. You've now reached the point where you are now squashing the pieces together so you can go 'ta-dah, told you it made a picture'.

I can't have a serious conversation with somebody who wants to predict the end of consoles based on one NPD. LMAO! 

Sorry you have not answered the question i asked you. Your thoughts please?

'too many positive sales increase factors on both side of the fence (Particularly sony with pro/vr/slim all aligned at the same time pretty much) that failed to deliver its killer blow just before christmas. So what do you make of that. Sony should have annihilated that month. Tell me why didnt they?' I'll laugh with you when you have a well considered repsonse to this :)  PS I really think people use the lingo or whatever you call it 'LMAO' way to conveniently when they are really annoyed or pissed off...I mean it would just be easier to be honest and tell me that you are annoyed..I would appreciate your honesty.

Cheers mate!

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

There were people talking about PS4 hiting 2mi unitys sold in NA.
With the numbers we have it's close to 1mi and their conclusion: everything is fine, forget NA, look at the rest of the world...

We have to be objective here. We could blame the lack of big software Blockbusters like last year, that is clearly one of the reasons.

I justbask you to look back at your posts last few months and explain why you where so off.