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3sexty said:

Well yes there were just way to many positive sales increase factors on both side of the fence (Particularly sony with pro/vr/slim all aligned at the same time pretty much) that failed to deliver its killer blow just before christmas. So what do you make of that. Sony should have annihilated that month. Tell me why didnt they? I do not have an answer except to say that people may be over consoles -  a trend in early development. Yeh and in relation to Switch,- well as much as I really like Nintendo, I do not think this will work out at all.


Worldwide they did annihilate the XB1. Well that happens anyway but the data we have and the 50M sold to customers show PS4 had a decent boost. No matter how you spin it, the PS4 shows no sign of decline. 

And I'll say it again, it's stupid to predict something like the decline in consoles from 1 month of NPD. You are starting to sound like you have a picture in your head and your trying to find the puzzle pieces to build that picture. None of the pieces fit but your insistent that they will make this picture. You've now reached the point where you are now squashing the pieces together so you can go 'ta-dah, told you it made a picture'.

I can't have a serious conversation with somebody who wants to predict the end of consoles based on one NPD. LMAO! 

Sorry you have not answered the question i asked you. Your thoughts please?

'too many positive sales increase factors on both side of the fence (Particularly sony with pro/vr/slim all aligned at the same time pretty much) that failed to deliver its killer blow just before christmas. So what do you make of that. Sony should have annihilated that month. Tell me why didnt they?' I'll laugh with you when you have a well considered repsonse to this :)  PS I really think people use the lingo or whatever you call it 'LMAO' way to conveniently when they are really annoyed or pissed off...I mean it would just be easier to be honest and tell me that you are annoyed..I would appreciate your honesty.

Cheers mate!

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70