Can someone remember to ask Aquamarine when the Xbox one passed 14 million in the US? It might provide insight into that pic thats been going around.
Can someone remember to ask Aquamarine when the Xbox one passed 14 million in the US? It might provide insight into that pic thats been going around.
JRPGfan said:
Crapgamer believes thats why Sony announced it.... to soften the blow, from a November NPD loss. We ll find out if hes full of it, soon enough. |
Yeah I saw the video but the reality is that it is the only thing he could come up with to damage control the announcement. if Sony wins November NPD, he will use ps4 pro pre orders as damage control. he is very predictable
Acevil said:
A part of me as well, even if I am PS4 gamer, only because of the smugness of some individuals on this site. |
there is plenty of smugness on both sides
Acevil said:
A part of me as well, even if I am PS4 gamer, only because of the smugness of some individuals on this site. |
What a strange thing to say. There's plenty of smugness from both sides.
This should be a fun one. Wonder how close it'll be.
If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.
The Tag!!!
The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...
PSN: StlUzumaki23
Why would the Xbox One be ahead even with the release of Pro and while having the same price as the PS4 Slim ?
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