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Forums - Sales Discussion - 50 million PS4s sold-through as of 6th December 2016, Black Friday week in the history of PlayStation

50M in 3 years!
congrats sony, you nailed it.

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Livewire said:


bro you did exactly what they want. They write stupid stuff so that people share links and they get traffic

My bad.... just thought it was funny, given the 50m sold through announcement.

S-s-s-s-sold through

Wow 50 million in 3 years.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

JRPGfan said:

Guys dont you know..... PS4 is dead, it died this year!

"Sony also announced a slimmer version of their console but it was too little too late. The consecutive announcement of both the Pro and the Slim pro-actively killed interest in any product from Sony."
- icxm

"For Sony, however, this was pretty bad news. The Sony PlayStation 4 Pro launched with pretty tepid enthusiasm amongst gamers, with Xbox dominating Black Friday thanks to several spectacular sales."
- icxm

"It’s pretty clear, and Microsoft is on point when they say that 2016 was a turning point for Xbox. With blockbuster releases and hardware that won’t stay on shelves for more than 5 minutes along with the gangbuster announcement that Microsoft will take the power crown next year. Xbox clearly won 2016, and 2017 will be a very important year for them to see if they can keep the momentum going. Sony, on the other hand, needs to really pull their socks up since their ‘free pass’ can only last so long before the reality distortion field disappears and gamers realize that they have been led astray with broken promises and cash grabs. " - icxm

Lmao.... wow... that site is pretty Pro Xbox :)

Lol well we now know where a few users on here go to get their news.

Congrats to Sony! I'm glad I got myself the PS4 Pro and will be playing plenty of games on it. I got a $10 voucher from Sony and I'll use it to get a game. Right now, I'm stuck between The Last of Us and Infamous.

Around the Network
JRPGfan said:
If theres 50m PS4 owners (sold to consumers), how many do you guys think Sony has shipped?
Are we looking at like 54m shipped? or something like that?

The difference between sold through and shipped for PS4 has to be really tiny. Sony hasn't announced shipped numbers this gen at all, probably because each system sells as soon as it gets shipped.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Great numbers.

Mr.GameCrazy said:
Congrats to Sony! I'm glad I got myself the PS4 Pro and will be playing plenty of games on it. I got a $10 voucher from Sony and I'll use it to get a game. Right now, I'm stuck between The Last of Us and Infamous.

If you played TLoU on PS3 then try Infamous!  It's awesome!

Slarvax said:
JRPGfan said:
If theres 50m PS4 owners (sold to consumers), how many do you guys think Sony has shipped?
Are we looking at like 54m shipped? or something like that?

The difference between sold through and shipped for PS4 has to be really tiny. Sony hasn't announced shipped numbers this gen at all, probably because each system sells as soon as it gets shipped.

I'm pretty sure that they have announced shipped numbers for ps4 in the past. As for how many they have shipped now... they forecast that they'd ship 60 million ps4's by the end of march if that's any indication.

Edit: Yeah they announced 47.4 Million Shipped by September 30th.

GarlandSteve74 said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:
Congrats to Sony! I'm glad I got myself the PS4 Pro and will be playing plenty of games on it. I got a $10 voucher from Sony and I'll use it to get a game. Right now, I'm stuck between The Last of Us and Infamous.

If you played TLoU on PS3 then try Infamous!  It's awesome!

I haven't played TLoU.