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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So, I just finished FFXV's story (23 hours in)

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That's actually great news. My vacation is only that long and I got other more important shit to do.

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setsunatenshi said:
How the hell are so many people playing the game already and i still have to wait till tomorrow for my digital pre order?

Now to avoid the internet until then....

Physical sometimes breaks street date. Digital is almost guaranteed not to ever do so.


physical > digital, you should know this.

That... sounds very disappointing to me. Most people said it took them 100 hours to beat Witcher 3, but I beat it in 80 hours (I was highly satisfied by the game though). I was expecting FFXV to be at least a 50-60 hour game. Man, I should avoid all of these previews because the more I learn about the game the more disappointed I get...

Hmmm the story is kinda weak for me. I think ffxv is lacking that "show; dont tell". The plot is also quite simple (and so much like other tabata games). Although i dont mind with it, the reviews are gon suffer from these 2 points.

I also feel FF will never return to turn based battle system after this. Although it requires some polishment (command cancel, better iframe and enemy telegraphed atk), the battle system is defly the most fun i have experienced in jrpg for awhile.

Final score:7.5/10.
FFXV is quite similar with MGSV. I think they're both hindered by simultaneous engine and game development. At the cost of the story, both games are designed to showcase the engine. Open world with high folliage density, stable fps, the smooth animation, and the unnecessary tight spaces where noctis can squeeze thru without clipping issue are just some of the examples of what i said before. Conclusion: Dont develop a game alongside with a game engine, unless the game have minimum story (sports or platformer games)

I consider the knowledge of duration time of this game a spoiler... :(

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I read that it's a reverse FFXIII, first open and then quite linear. Is that true?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

KLAMarine said:
setsunatenshi said:
How the hell are so many people playing the game already and i still have to wait till tomorrow for my digital pre order?

Now to avoid the internet until then....

Physical sometimes breaks street date. Digital is almost guaranteed not to ever do so.


physical > digital, you should know this.

Not always you could play the digital version of Forza Motorsports 6 and Forza Horizon 3 a week before the physical copy was released and you could download both of those games even earlier than that.

Meanwhile final fantasy X is 49 hours for just the main storyline, with extra's its 83hours.

This is bad news for FFXV imo.

I don't care too much about the playtime. A short but great game is better than a long but boring game. I can finish Castlevania 4 in less than an hour. I come back to play that sucker until this very day and had at the very least hundreds hours of fun with it. Meanwhile, I played Witcher 3 for 10 hours, was bored as fuck and never touched it again. So let's wait and see.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

JRPGfan said:
Meanwhile final fantasy X is 49 hours for just the main storyline, with extra's its 83hours.

This is bad news for FFXV imo.

Good thing for reviewers though. They can spend more time with the game than just running through the main campaign.

I just hope it does not get deductions for the time. I mean there are far shorter games for 60 bucks.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.