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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Uncharted director criticizes triple-a development, says it can 'destroy people'

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Acevil said:
naruball said:

Yes, but obviously it would have been better if it was delayed for a month or two(?) to fix everything. I think releasing a game in such a state is 10 times worse than a delay.

That is different argument, but I truthfully believe you will never have bethesda game with 99% glitch free experience without the audience pointing it out the glitches, no matter the time. 

(I need to word the sentence better, but what I mean to say is you will never have bethesda game glitch free)

From what I've heard it wasn't a simple case of some glitches here and there, there were actually a lot and obvious ones. They should have spent more time testing the game, but they thought that x time was enough. It wasn't. Instead of doing the right thing and delaying the game when they realised there were serious issues, they released it in an unacceptable state, knowing that due tot he name alone it would sell well, it would get free passes from critics and gamers, and that releasing it when it was actually ready (with some glitches, just not that many) would hurt its sales.

So, yeah I really don't think it should be used as an example in terms of delays.

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CaptainExplosion said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
This is why I hate graphics whores. It takes ten times as much effort to take a game from PS3 graphics to PS4 graphics. The difference is negligible. You could have a game world three times as big, and three times as many quests with dated graphics. But nooooo! People gotta have their 1080p 60 fps nonsense.

^This. Shovel Knight and Freedom Planet are fantastic games, but with a retro aesthetic. Furthermore the latter makes those games easy to port just about anywhere.

I have to jump on as well. Video games are taking a wrong approach, mainly because of western side, in regards to what is important in a video game. 

So, I was recently playing Saturn version of X-Men vs Street Fighter and it looks gorgeous for just turning 20 this past September!!! Excellent detail, excellent animation, excellent color usage. I told I would not mind if current day fighters just aimed to reach this bar. Most importantantly though its still a blast to play. 

At the end of day the most important thing is the game. If developers focused on making great, long lasting games, it would take them much further. 

I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to AAA development so maybe this isn't practical but why not just double the staff? I mean, we're talking about games that are funded by companies with billions to spend. Seems like a logical idea. If team A has X amount of employees and works 12 hour days 7 days a week, doubling the staff should theoretically allow them to work normal hours.

pray4mojo said:

I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to AAA development so maybe this isn't practical but why not just double the staff? I mean, we're talking about games that are funded by companies with billions to spend. Seems like a logical idea. If team A has X amount of employees and works 12 hour days 7 days a week, doubling the staff should theoretically allow them to work normal hours.

EA: Good news! We're doubling our staff with equally qualified people!We're talking 40 hour work weeks, people!
Devs: Woohoo! It might be hard to coordinate with close to 1,000 people involved, but we'll take it!
EA: On a completely unrelated note, your salary has been halved.
Devs: Oh...

This is something thats probably forgotten by most.
Behinde some of these big AAA games lay alot of sacrifice by those that work on them.
It takes a great deal to time, to make some of these games, and at times people are putting in 12hours a day.
Crunch time is brutal and probably not healthy.

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It is destroying the industry too.

arcaneguyver said:
pray4mojo said:

I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to AAA development so maybe this isn't practical but why not just double the staff? I mean, we're talking about games that are funded by companies with billions to spend. Seems like a logical idea. If team A has X amount of employees and works 12 hour days 7 days a week, doubling the staff should theoretically allow them to work normal hours.

EA: Good news! We're doubling our staff with equally qualified people!We're talking 40 hour work weeks, people!
Devs: Woohoo! It might be hard to coordinate with close to 1,000 people involved, but we'll take it!
EA: On a completely unrelated note, your salary has been halved.
Devs: Oh...

I don't know about you, but there's no amount of money that could make me work 12 hour days, 7 days a week. At that point, no matter how wealthy you are, you don't have time to enjoy ANY OF IT. 

pray4mojo said:
arcaneguyver said:

EA: Good news! We're doubling our staff with equally qualified people!We're talking 40 hour work weeks, people!
Devs: Woohoo! It might be hard to coordinate with close to 1,000 people involved, but we'll take it!
EA: On a completely unrelated note, your salary has been halved.
Devs: Oh...

I don't know about you, but there's no amount of money that could make me work 12 hour days, 7 days a week. At that point, no matter how wealthy you are, you don't have time to enjoy ANY OF IT. 

A lot of people do what they have to at times thinking that it's temporary. Quiting something like Uncharted must be a terrible career move for most of them.

I'm going through something similar myself in academia. I see it as building for the future. It sucks but the alternative is worse.

Cerebralbore101 said:
This is why I hate graphics whores. It takes ten times as much effort to take a game from PS3 graphics to PS4 graphics. The difference is negligible. You could have a game world three times as big, and three times as many quests with dated graphics. But nooooo! People gotta have their 1080p 60 fps nonsense.

Agreed. I never cared for graphics. I honestly find it sickening how the graphics situation has gotten worse over the times. Can't even read a comment section without someone bringing it up. lol Doesn't help that Sony and Microsoft market it as well.

She's right and she's not the first to say that. Developing games is a demanding job.

pray4mojo said:
arcaneguyver said:

EA: Good news! We're doubling our staff with equally qualified people!We're talking 40 hour work weeks, people!
Devs: Woohoo! It might be hard to coordinate with close to 1,000 people involved, but we'll take it!
EA: On a completely unrelated note, your salary has been halved.
Devs: Oh...

I don't know about you, but there's no amount of money that could make me work 12 hour days, 7 days a week. At that point, no matter how wealthy you are, you don't have time to enjoy ANY OF IT. 

We know about them... they are doing it, so either they like the money or the work, perhaps both... but I doubt they would appreciate a 50% cut. Would you like?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."