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CaptainExplosion said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
This is why I hate graphics whores. It takes ten times as much effort to take a game from PS3 graphics to PS4 graphics. The difference is negligible. You could have a game world three times as big, and three times as many quests with dated graphics. But nooooo! People gotta have their 1080p 60 fps nonsense.

^This. Shovel Knight and Freedom Planet are fantastic games, but with a retro aesthetic. Furthermore the latter makes those games easy to port just about anywhere.

I have to jump on as well. Video games are taking a wrong approach, mainly because of western side, in regards to what is important in a video game. 

So, I was recently playing Saturn version of X-Men vs Street Fighter and it looks gorgeous for just turning 20 this past September!!! Excellent detail, excellent animation, excellent color usage. I told I would not mind if current day fighters just aimed to reach this bar. Most importantantly though its still a blast to play. 

At the end of day the most important thing is the game. If developers focused on making great, long lasting games, it would take them much further.