Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million. http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=6673287
Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million. http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=6673287
The community should be MUCH more active for the remainder of the year. Especially regarding sales with the pre-orders from the XB1s for this month and how or if they increase and sustains ales for the XB1. And with the rumored PS4 slim and PS4 Neo releasing AND with the Holidays coming up and some big games like TLG and Gears 4!
The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...
PSN: StlUzumaki23
xbox1slim will sell over 2 Million console world wide this month imo
princevenom said: tag xbox1slim will sell over 2 Million console world wide this month imo |
So, since it does about 55-60% of its sales in the US, you're calling for it to do about 1.2 million in the US this month???
princevenom said: tag xbox1slim will sell over 2 Million console world wide this month imo |
2 million worldwide? I like that prediction.....so what are you thinking the breakdowns will look like? I mean I don't think ti will do that much but I would still like to see what you think the numbers will be.
The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...
PSN: StlUzumaki23
Shadow1980 said:
I know you don't have the August prediction thread up yet (I'm assuming that's not until after July's NPD results), but I wanted to go ahead and put down my provisional estimate: XBO: 340k I'll adjust it after we get July NPD results, but I'm assuming the PS4 will do ~190k in July (80% of June, since June is 5 weeks and July is 4) and stays about flat for August. As for the XBO, I'm assuming the S model gives a somewhat bigger boost than what the 360 S did for the 360. The 360 S was a June release, a 5-week month, so accounting for that we saw an 85.7% increase in the per-week average over May 2010. *graph* However, the 360 S was released on June 18, whereas the 2TB XBO S releases tomorrow, with the smaller HDD models coming on the 23rd. I'm assuming the earlier launch in the month could drive August's weekly average to double what July is. I'm also further assuming that the XBO will, like the PS4, do about 80% of its June numbers for July, or about 170k. Double that and you get 340k. Now, the XBO could conceivably do double what the PS4 does this month, but it's going to be close, perhaps depending on how well both of them did in July. |
But why you expect PS4 to be flat or even up in weekly sales in July and August compared to June?
June is almost always a bigger month than July, not only because June has 5 weeks, but because is E3 month and the end of School when kids or young people buy more.
Is seriusly rare a July is bigger than a June in term of weekly sales, unless there is something of special, and i mean, i don't see nothing in July which can boost PS4.
PS4 sold with a weekly avg of 47,000 unit in June, which is 188,000 in 4 weeks. So expect that or more in July or August seem pretty much unlucky...
i personally expect a decline of 10% in weekly sales, 47,000 to 42,000, which is about 170,000 in July, and then another bit drop in August to 160,000, considering August is usually a bit worse (but not by much) than July...
RJ_Sizzle said: Tag for the "Xbox stops getting steamrolled for a change" month. |
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