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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo reveals Mini NES. Coming this November.

It's cute and cheaper than VC. I might buy it, even if just to have one.

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I have to wait till November for this? T.T

I was wondering when Nintendo would do this...
With all the hipsters and nostalgia geeks out there, it was only a matter of time...
It would explain why the virtual console has been such a low priority for them this generation...
It wouldn't surprise me if we eventually get similar devices for the SNES and N64 at some point...
If they allow for the software to be updated (which I seriously doubt they will), they could even create new 8-bit classics...

Have a nice day...

Those are actually some really nice games. I was expecting Mario, Mario, and Mario but not stuff Double Dragon II, Punch-Out, Star Tropics, and Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy was a revelation for me, best bargain-bin purchase I ever talked my mom into making. Wanted it based entirely on the name, had no clue what it was otherwise. It would also be nice to see if I could still beat Double Dragon II and Punch-Out on automatic. Somehow I doubt it.

It'll probably top the Wii and WiiU in sales lol

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

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Gimme SNES with Mario World and DKC 2!!!!!!


It's already trending on Twitter...
Given the nostalgia everybody is feeling thanks to Pokemon Go, this is a prime example of striking while the iron is hot...
At first glance, this almost looks like good business sense...

Have a nice day...

Picking this up even if I have to import one, hope they do a SNES version as well in future.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Random_Matt said:
If you can't buy more games for it then, it's pointless.

You can always buy a Wii, WiiU, or 3DS if you want access to a bigger pool of NES games.

Or i could buy a retron 5.

fleischr said:
It'll probably top the Wii and WiiU in sales lol

WiiU definatly. :)