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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prey for the Gods Kickstarter - 7 days to go (Funded)

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thismeintiel said:
SvennoJ said:
SotC is one of my all time favorites. Dunno about this. If I understand the stretch goals correctly there will only be 5 bosses in the main game. Plus the weird mix of game play styles isn't doing it for me. And it's summer, no time to advertise with snow and freezing to death!

I'll check back later, maybe back it when console versions are guaranteed.

Only 5 bosses isn't that big a deal.  I mean, it's not like SOTC where they are your only enemy.  This game seems to have smaller threats, as well as some survival gameplay features.  You also search temples for treasures and new weapons.  There's much more to it than hunting giants.

@ OP

It looks great to me.  I'll definitely pick it up when it comes out, and hopefully for PS4.  Love the snow deformation and dynamic weather and daylight.

That doesn't help me. I picked up Castlevania LOS on the promise it was like SotC. Hated it.
It's not just the bosses that make SotC, its the vast open desolate landscape that feels like a dream world. Add survival bits and other threats and it's something very different. Prey for the Gods can still be a good game, the trailer looks more promising than Castlevania LOS. Yet I won't fall for the it's like SotC promise again.

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What's tragic is these guys most likely won't even sniff a million even though they've brought screenshots and two very substantive gameplay trailers. But some veteran from the industry will show up with five concept images and thirty seconds of absurdly rough pre-pre-alpha footage and get over a million because they are making a "spiritual successor" to some beloved franchises. THIS should get a million, Kickstarters like Mighty No 9 should be told to get lost and try again when they have something worth showing to warrant trust.

pokoko said:
Pretty interesting. I wonder if the wolf is going to eat her or save her.

probably the wolf is your companion in the game similar to the horse in Shadow of Colossus. I imagine the world will be equally desolate (especially since the description states this is set on the edge of the world in dark times), and your animal companion will keep you from going insane due to the lack of NPC's. again, like the horse in SoC

I would back if they did a physical release for console. Without that I'm out unfortunately.

I was going to complain about the 5 bosses, but considering its a budget title the 5 bosses doesnt bother me too much.

The biggest mistake they've made is to put the console port at $600k. I understand the logic, but quite likely they will stop console backers getting into the action until the $600k or a number close to it has been reached.

My biggest concern is the survival gameplay. I'm not too keen on having to wait for weather changes and finding caves to fight and survive the weather. What made SotC great was you could spend ages wandering around the world and get lost in it without any interruptions. Survival gameplay means there will be lots of interruptions.

I also don't see any npcs other than the bosses (not counting the pack of wolves) that you might get to battle, nor is there any mention that you will be fighting anything besides bosses. This makes me question what or how much impact weapons and armor will really have in the game and if they could have done without it.

Last but not least, I wonder what elements they've taken from Bloodborne, whether it's the invasions, co-op and or combat.

I think they need a better explanation for the likes of me to get some backing.

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Oh my god those colors. In the trailer, just look at them! The colors are so tasteful and harmonize and fit together so perfectly.

Almost halfway there already. Nice start.

Looks like an interesting project!

I'll be keeping an eye on the Kickstarter. If it gets close to a PS4 release stretch goal, i'll throw in my support.

I might fund it if it gets closer to the PS4 stretch. But one thing that always puts me off these kickstarters is those silly rewards like "We help you build a secret area" that just ruins it for me.