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Forums - Sales Discussion - Uncharted 4 first week sell-through surpass 2.7 million, fastest-selling PS4 first party title to-date in NA and PAL Region

Mazzy said:

I believe Zhuge tweeted that BO3 bundle makes up over 90% of PS4 sales, and has been out for, what, over 5-6 months now? I think Uncharted 4 will get this same treatment once they retire the BO3 bundle. 


When 90% of PS4s sold are bundled with UC4, the sales numbers don't say much.

I went ahead and did some fact checking because I knew something was off. You're lying or trying to mislead the discussion, and I'd like to know why. Can you please post a link to that Twitter comment? The one you're referencing, where it says this really happened one time, and for the US only? Because BLOPS 3 has not been making up 90% of the hardware bundles for Ps4 since its release

edit - you keep referencing the 90% number like its a consistent thing and not an anomaly, and then drawing comparison to uncharted 4. I don't think THAT is fair.

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gatito said:

Very frontloaded sales. I think it will struggle to get past 7 million.

Being over 3 million in the first two weeks is a great start. First month should put it over 4 million or very close to it.

Then it has the rest of the gen to rack up sales.  Sales and bundle will finish off the rest.  It should get close to 10 million. 

Mazzy said:

You're missing half of the equation there. The budget/expectations are just as important as the sales numbers. 

I'm not assuming the worst, and it being bundled doesn't mean it sold poorly (BO3 obviously sold very well), I'm just saying it means that (if this happens) then the sales numbers will be forever muddled due to it. 

Budget and expectations cannot be judged unless we have specific details. What we do know however, is that Naughty Dog has a fantastic track record when it comes to budget management. Even then, it's fair to assume that Sony and ND expect Uncharted 4 to be the best selling game in the franchise and it just had the best launch by a clear distance when we're talking actual units sold.

It's off to a great start.


Carl2291 said:
Mazzy said:

You're missing half of the equation there. The budget/expectations are just as important as the sales numbers. 

I'm not assuming the worst, and it being bundled doesn't mean it sold poorly (BO3 obviously sold very well), I'm just saying it means that (if this happens) then the sales numbers will be forever muddled due to it. 

Budget and expectations cannot be judged unless we have specific details. What we do know however, is that Naughty Dog has a fantastic track record when it comes to budget management. Even then, it's fair to assume that Sony and ND expect Uncharted 4 to be the best selling game in the franchise and it just had the best launch by a clear distance when we're talking actual units sold.

It's off to a great start.

It's tracking ahead of TLOU.

And now the 'front loaded' argument makes an appearance. Dear God.


The PS5 Exists. 

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But according to some xbox fanboys on twitter the game flopped...


Mike321 said:
But according to some xbox fans on twitter the game flopped...

I edited your post slightly. Much better.


The PS5 Exists. 

Some months ago I said U4 first month (not week) would beat Gears 4 lifetime sales. Does it still seem so doubtful?

Btw about the region thing, technically we already knew it wasn't #1 WW. Cause Knack sold +300k in Japan FW.
Knack is the true Uncharted killer.

The bundle argument has always bothered for instance that year around Holidays when they were doing the Infamous and something else bundle for PS3 I was getting my nephew a PS3 for Christmas BUT I was also giving him those games of mine all I could find was that bundle for a little while so guess what I did...I DIDN"T GET THE are not FORCED to buy a bundle. You get it IF YOU WANT why people feel as if a bundle somehow takes away from the sales of a game is beyond me...most bundles that are bought are bought because someone wanted that game. There have been numerous PS4 bundles and I did not have one but guess what I didn't get any of them I got the one I wanted with the game I wanted the LE UC4 bundle. I just wish we would let the bundle crap die because it helps nothing and proves nothing...imo that is anyway...Sorry for the off topic rant....congrats again to ND

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

CosmicSex said:
gatito said:

Very frontloaded sales. I think it will struggle to get past 7 million.

Being over 3 million in the first two weeks is a great start. First month should put it over 4 million or very close to it.

Then it has the rest of the gen to rack up sales.  Sales and bundle will finish off the rest.  It should get close to 10 million. 

You mean first week.