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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony E3 2016 HYPE thread. All aboard the hype train!

Great job on the thread, BK!

I'm a little bearish on Sony's E3 this year. There are just so many question marks.

After The Legend of Zelda, The Last Guardian is my most anticipated title. But with so many delays and the divorce between Sony and Ueda, it's hard to know what to expect.

It's also difficult to know what to expect from Horizon. The gameplay footage we've seen looks really good, but Guerrilla hasn't made a good game in a decade. I'm actually more excited about Guerrilla Cambridge, as it did a commendable job with Killzone Mercenary.

Not a big fan of Media Molecule or Quantic Dream, so I can't summon a lot of enthusiasm for their projects.

Bend hasn't made a console game in 12 years, so I've no idea what to expect.

The one big exception is Gravity Rush 2. I think this is going to be great. The first game was so close to greatness.

As far as third-party content goes, there isn't much I'm dying to see. Splitting Final Fantasy VII into several full-sized games seems like a strange choice. I'm optimistic about Shenmue, but we still know so little.

I hope to hear more about Ni-oh, For Honor, The Tomorrow Children, and World of Final Fantasy.

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that's a great list of potential announcements but please remember sony does 3 conferences a year. i don't think we're not going to see "god of war", "bend's game", and "sucker punches game" all at the same conference. 1 each at each of the 3 conferences i'd think and then some other smaller first party titles and 3rd party exclusives along side them.

i expect this E3 will have a strong focus on psvr's launch too.

also, with no man's sky launching like 2 weeks later we'll see that again.

It will be;

Dead Don't Ride
New Horizon Game Play
Destiny Rise of Iron
Sucker Punch Spider-Man
Titanfall 2 on Sony stage (XBO has BF1)
FFXV (There will be no FFVII at this show so it doesn't overshadow imminent release of XV)
2 Rockstar games announced by a Sony rep... Probably Adam Boyes (Booya)
PSNeo will not be announced or mentioned, do not expect it.
TLG update, new gameplay, date.
One other surprise.

Nice to see this thread so early. I... dunno what to expect from Sony at E3 apart from TLG, Horizon and a No Man's Sky release date.

I am definitely most interested in learning about the PS4 Neo at this E3. I NEED to know exactly what the heck that thing is!

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I completely forgot about Detroit, definitely want to see more on that game.

CRAAAAAAAASH BANDICOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You forgot Resident Evil 7

Thank you for the thread, I didn't feel very hyped for E3, yet, but I'm looking forward to see more about Detroit and Mass Effect.
I love Heavy Rain, liked Beyond: Two Souls and love the Mass Effect series so I'm excited for what Sony has to show.

Normally I pay most of my attention towards Nintendo at E3, but I don't have high hopes for their showing this year. :-/

Platforms: Wii U, New 3DS, PS4, PC

currently playing: 
 -Yoshi's Wooly World 
 -Pokemon X
 -Fire Emblem Fates 

Zone: Europe (Germany)

any word on a playstation experience this year?

I am Iron Man