Great job on the thread, BK!
I'm a little bearish on Sony's E3 this year. There are just so many question marks.
After The Legend of Zelda, The Last Guardian is my most anticipated title. But with so many delays and the divorce between Sony and Ueda, it's hard to know what to expect.
It's also difficult to know what to expect from Horizon. The gameplay footage we've seen looks really good, but Guerrilla hasn't made a good game in a decade. I'm actually more excited about Guerrilla Cambridge, as it did a commendable job with Killzone Mercenary.
Not a big fan of Media Molecule or Quantic Dream, so I can't summon a lot of enthusiasm for their projects.
Bend hasn't made a console game in 12 years, so I've no idea what to expect.
The one big exception is Gravity Rush 2. I think this is going to be great. The first game was so close to greatness.
As far as third-party content goes, there isn't much I'm dying to see. Splitting Final Fantasy VII into several full-sized games seems like a strange choice. I'm optimistic about Shenmue, but we still know so little.
I hope to hear more about Ni-oh, For Honor, The Tomorrow Children, and World of Final Fantasy.