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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Microsoft E3 2016 Thread - Starting!


Conference Starting

Hype 22 100.00%


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Runa216 said:
Puppyroach said:
Not super impressed by the conference so far, it just doesn't seem to have the same energy as last year.

I like the conference itself, but I'm wholly disappointed by the lack of surprises, truly new announcements, or "OSHIT" moments.  Haven't been any so far this year.

Yea, many leaked games, a few bit with medocre music, and other than We Happy Few, not much unexpected.

Plus that music and narrator in Scalebound really turns me off.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Scalebound looks meh. MC's kinda funny, though.

I had to switch to streaming on my phone because my work network is crap. These crowd shots are killing me.

No gameplay?

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Sea of Thieves! Wanted to see more of this game too

That trailer managed to simultaneously show a lot, and yet basically nothing :p

Spoke too soon!

gameplay time

Runa216 said:
Peh said:

Typical gamer Attitude. ....

WHAT is your major malfunction, gamer?! 

Your hypocritical attitude towards me, probably. It's OK for you to be dissappointed in certain aspects of a press conference, bu when I do, I'm a fool? Figures.

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3