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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Microsoft E3 2016 Thread - Starting!


Conference Starting

Hype 22 100.00%
IamAwsome said:
So Dead Rising 4 isn't exclusive?

No surprise. If the game even resembles exclusive, microsoft will talk about it endlessly. 

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All I got from this conference is that I don't need an xbox1, I need a really good pc.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

"Don't get hit"

Thank you, captain obvious.

Platinum is really really good at fast paced action. Too bad this isn't fast paced at all. At least it doesn't look like it.

Yeah that FFXV demo is lookn really bad right now

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WoodenPints said:
Mike321 said:
Kinda feel bad for xbox because most of the games are coming to pc as well.

Why would anyone feel bad that they can play games on the Xbox as well as others on a PC? Games aren't skipping Xbox for PC there on both.

xbox gamers are not being left out due to the new features that come with putting the games on PC

Man, Platinum is the best when it actually puts in 100% effort. Scalebound looking great!

Not crazy about the soundtrack though :S

I hope they show us at least one new game.

Am I the only person in the entire world that genuinely doesn't like the look and feel of Scalebound? I love the idea of it, but it just doesn't 'feel' right based on what I'm seeing thus far.

I'll likely still buy it sometime, but I haven't been sold by any of the E3 presentations thus far.

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Scalebound is visually impressive but I'm tired of co-op trailers and battles against giant enemies.