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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. May bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion


Well, most people wanted ice cream. What kind?

Mint-endo Chocolate Chip 18 7.35%
Sonyberry 157 64.08%
Microsoft serve 17 6.94%
Cookies and Dreamcast 19 7.76%
Vanilla 16 6.53%
Organic and pun-free, thank you 18 7.35%

4 hours since last update:

#24 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle 
(down 2)
#69 XB1 Gears Bundle (down 2)
#75 PS4 Fool's Edition (same)

#95 Vita (re-entry)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#30 PS4 No Man's Sky (down 1)

UC4: 2/82
UCC: 33


The PS5 Exists. 

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Uncharted 4 is off #1 finally

Also what the hell is up with Overwatch for PS4/XB1 (but no PC) being 49 USD for non-prime? Is this some new thing Amazon is doing? Low pre-orders? I don't understand.

Mazzy said:
xl-klaudkil said:
Soo someone here actually thinks uncharted 4 is going to bomb?

Uhmz the only games that will outsell uncharted on the ps4 is.
Maybe gran turismo
And..... Thats it

Fallout 4 outsold Uncharted 4 at 2.5:1 in opening week in UK.

Ow so uk= ww? Owkej. 


I bet uncharted 4 going to sell more than fallout4 on ps4 at the end of this year.

Zanten said:
Well, bright side we at least know he isn't interested in having an actual discussion. xP I didn't think it would be that easy to draw him out, actually. o_o

I've grown bored of the same circular arguments. I'll say again, I never said Uncharted 4 sales were bad in any way, it's just that a variety of factors (outlined in numerous previous posts) lead me to believe that Sony may have been expecting more and, in that context, it could be argued that it failed to meet expectations.

We'll agree to disagree and wait until we get more numbers. May NPD should be interesting.

No surprised Uncharted has been knock off the top with those psn sales.

Around the Network

I must say quite the entertaining read.

In what world does an exclusive game outsell a multiplat?

Still May NPD will be interesting, especially when compared to Halo 5. At least Uncharted has Europe to fall back on though.

Mazzy said:
Zanten said:
Well, bright side we at least know he isn't interested in having an actual discussion. xP I didn't think it would be that easy to draw him out, actually. o_o

I've grown bored of the same circular argumentz. I'll say again, I never said Uncharted 4 sales were bad in any way, it's just that a variety of factors (outlined in numerous previous posts) lead me to believe that Sony may have been expecting more and, in that context, it could be argued that it failed to meet expectations.

We'll agree to disagree and wait until we get more numbers. May NPD should be interesting.

As I said, the argument itself I'm on the fence. When it comes to retailer-specific sales, it's difficult to tell if the problem is the size of the 'demand pie' itself, or rather whether retailers running the sales don't feel they're getting a big enough piece. Wal-Mart also appears to have a sale going on, but Best Buy and Gamestop do not, and as a Canadian I don't really know what other major U.S. retailers I should look at. =P While Sony did delay the game two extra weeks specifically to increase supply- suggesting they might have erred on the 'overstocked' side rather than risk supply not meeting demand like Ratchet and Clank anecdotally did- it's impossible to say at this time if they similarly increased the marketing push. It could be the game still exceeded their projections from back in 2015, but hasn't met the surplus of supply they spent an extra half month cranking out. Too early to tell, and without information on Sony's expectations, all that can be said with any certainty is certain regions are tracking very well when held in the context of other exclusives, as well as prior Uncharted games.

As you said, NPD will be interesting, and at least fill in more on the sales front. But at this point, it would appear that sales will only truly bomb if Sony pulls what Square Enix does, and inflates their expectations beyond anything remotely reasonable. And maybe they did; if they did, we'll probably never know, as they'll never come out and say 'Yeah, our game flopped.' But there's nothing solid showing it yet, so we might as well at least celebrate the gains the installment has made compared to its predecessors, as well as compared to other exclusive titles.

My criticism was specifically addressing that, bored as you may be getting of the circular arguments, if you aren't precise and consistent with them, you end up driving away any actual discussion. :/ If you make a statement without providing an immediately accessible path to that information, )you know this site has private messages, right? Avoids spam concerns right there) and someone does their homework and calls you on it as false, best attitude is always 'Oops! Yeah, sorry bout that. =D Touche' rather than 'Pffffft don't you split the same hairs I already split myself!'

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.

I think UC4 will land around 1.1 million for the May NPD. Each entry in the franchise has sold approximately 200-300k more then the previous one, with UC3 being around 800k with bundles.


Personally, I'd say 1.5-6 million is the high end. I just can't see it pulling more then that given how traditionally the series does better in the ROTW. And the month has some decent competition as well in Doom and Overwatch to put a damper on those legs.

Honestly I think the estimates are too high for Uncharted 4. Like Halo 5, Uncharted 4 will have digital sales take some of that pie from NPD sales. Uncharted 3 was 800k retail in November, Halo 5 935k retail in October.

If Uncharted 4 can do 950k retail, then to me it is a massive success, because it will still have massive European sales.

But if Uncharted 4 instead does 800k retail, it still did well. Better then Uncharted 3 due to digital sales, and better then Halo 5 due to European sales.

Come NPD if Uncharted 4 beats 1m retail, I will definitely be shocked. But I would not be surprised if it is lower then Halo 5, and of course people will call it flop for no reason.

Edit: A little extra side note is TLOU with great hype and 4 weeks of sales did 985k. Uncharted 4 gets 3 weeks.

Well...I leave this thread for the better part of a day and come back and...