Honestly I think the estimates are too high for Uncharted 4. Like Halo 5, Uncharted 4 will have digital sales take some of that pie from NPD sales. Uncharted 3 was 800k retail in November, Halo 5 935k retail in October.
If Uncharted 4 can do 950k retail, then to me it is a massive success, because it will still have massive European sales.
But if Uncharted 4 instead does 800k retail, it still did well. Better then Uncharted 3 due to digital sales, and better then Halo 5 due to European sales.
Come NPD if Uncharted 4 beats 1m retail, I will definitely be shocked. But I would not be surprised if it is lower then Halo 5, and of course people will call it flop for no reason.
Edit: A little extra side note is TLOU with great hype and 4 weeks of sales did 985k. Uncharted 4 gets 3 weeks.