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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - VGChartz Civil War: Banquet of Crow (NX Edition)

Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

Apple is top dog, but if something were to compete with Apple it would need to be out long before they launch it to explain to people why they want it. Show off its features, and get people on board to buy it. Nintendo isn't Apple, Sony is (metaphorically speaking) in the home console business. Nintendo is the other guy trying to take people away from Apple. 

Like I said Nintendo might want to consider joining the 21st century at some point marketing-wise then. 

Apple is not the only one that does that either, every other sane company does it. 

Why? Because is 2016, not 1991 anymore. 

If you need several years to build "hype" you are doing it *wrong*, plain and simple.

No one's saying several years.

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bigtakilla said:
zorg1000 said:

again you are naking things up, Xbox had a bunch of exclusives.

Halo, Halo 2, Project Gotham Racing, Project Gotham Racing 2, Forza Motorsport, Fable, Doom 3, Ninja Gaiden, Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Brute Force, Oddworld: Munch's Odyssey, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Knights of the Old Republic, Knights of the Old Republic II, Dead or Alive 3, Crimson Skies, Fuzion Frenzy, Conker: Live & Reloaded, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, MechAssault, MechAssault 2, Unreal Championship, Jade Empire, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Blood Wake, RalliSport Challenge, Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, Blinx: The Time Sweeper, Blinx 2, Amped, Amped 2, Far Cry Instincts

also the Tom Clancey games, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six 3 were timed exclusives.

it did not do as well as it did because it was a Microsoft console, it did as well as it did because it had a bunch of exclusives, strong 3rd party support, and features that were growing in popularity like DVD playback & online multiplayer.

im sorry but maybe you should do some fact checking before making strong claims, i have now proven multiple of your statements to be false.

That's a bunch of exclusives out of 900 games? I guess. It seems more like your idea of a bunch and mine are different. 

obviously i didnt go back and look through all 900+ games, lets be reasonable. How many exclusives did Gamecube have out of 600+ games?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

2016. The most obvious tells are their puny shipment projections for their current systems and game development clearly moved to their new platform.

But I believe Nintendo is on to something big with that SCD patent and they're going to want that idea out there ASAP.

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Slarvax said:
FunFan said:
Question: Which one is the positive side and which one is the negative side?

The way I see it,

2016'ers seem pessimistic, cynical and gloomy. Realists?

2017'ers seem optimistic, cheery, and joyful. Believers?

Nah, both have positives and negatives.

If it's on 2016, it takes the Wii U and 3DS, both selling poorly and making a loss, out of the market for a new system quickly, which combined with smartphone apps will bring easy and quick cash on the short run (unless it's sold at a loss, but I doubt Nintendo's willing to do that again). What I think is bad about it is that it seems to be rushed into the market (announced to launch very short time) which might bring droughts by giving studios short development time (3rd and 1st party). We might also have another Wii U case by 3rd party devs making rushed half assed ports, but I'm not sure if that'll also happen if released on 2017.

If released on 2017, Nintendo can ensure onslaught of releases, giving it momentum, and could make collaborations from 3rd party devs (wouldn't this also happen in 2016? Well, devs can see the reactions from the market and have a decent dev time to decide what to do). The negative is living another year off of the Wii U and 3DS burning them money, with little to no support from outside and maybe even inside sources.

Are you sure 2017'ers perceive the 3DS and WiiU upcoming first-party support as little to none? Or that the 3DS is really burning money (Hopefully no one would try to make a case for the WiiU)? Seems to me, they dont want the WiiU replaced so soon...

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)

Version 1.2 of the poster here.

I put some of the avatars on the characters (there are four characterss left for that ;) ) and included the recent users. Like I said, if any of you have any problem with it (it's not on the poster, is on the wrong side, or anything like that) please let me know.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Eh I say 2016 because 2017 may just be too late.

bigtakilla said:
Wyrdness said:

You don't need much time to hype any product up all you need is good marketing, we're no longer in the 90s or early 00s.

I disagree with products not needing to gain hype. 

Well disagree with that notion because what was said in the post is very different.

Darwinianevolution said:

Version 1.2 of the poster here.

I put some of the avatars on the characters (there are four characterss left for that ;) ) and included the recent users. Like I said, if any of you have any problem with it (it's not on the poster, is on the wrong side, or anything like that) please let me know.

That's looking really good.