CaptainExplosion said:
Is "Crime Against Nature" an elligible title? |
A Tittle for Pachter ?, he is like a Old lady house-carer, something like that would fit better for Pachter.
CaptainExplosion said:
Is "Crime Against Nature" an elligible title? |
A Tittle for Pachter ?, he is like a Old lady house-carer, something like that would fit better for Pachter.
BraLoD said: So Shenmue is a Sony franchise? Thank you for letting me know, Mr. Patcher! |
why being personal?
just because he dislike on of your favourite games and call it lame?
and that kind of games who are "lame" in the eys of the average gamer, won't sell many units, who cares.
if you like it, buy it. but don't hate on him just because he is telling how the the gaming landscape is these days...
title of the OP feels like bait.
in content patcher is very much right. TLG and shenmue 3 aren't going to be 10M+ sellers like uncharted or TLoU.
BraLoD said:
Why not? The guy is a joke, he tells stuff just for the sake of being a joke, people here takes whatever he talks as the opposite is absolute truth, he has went for it and earned that reputation for himself, but he goes out to call a masterful piece of work lame to get some atention, that's beyond the line to me, thus why I'm saying he should not talk about it. He is disrespectful, he is getting disrespectful feedback as well. I deal with people not fond of games I love around,here every day, one example, Wright is one of the people I talk the most and he doesn't like Shadow of the Colossus, but he is not a joke, he has his opinion but it's not disrespectful trolish, and I talk to him a lot, he is a great guy. The problem comes from Patcher himself, it is personal, he carved that path. |
Forget it Bralord, is useless to argue with this guy, it seems that for him the only good thing is Mainstream, and everything that don't sell like Call of Duty, don't deserve love, and don't receive love, just a Few posts and already is this.
we need to Bash Anything that Pachter Says, he is the kind of person that is Paid to give his Personal Opinion, he doesn't even make a Market Research, this is just Personal Opinion, something he saw on TV, or some Rumors that he Spread, maybe even his Personal Preference.
And as to why you cant argue with NXGamerz, because it will not lead to nothing, here is what he said about Final Fantasy XV
"My guess, too
This is an ps2 era game. The gaming landscape changed. How cares about ff anymore? Some 30 years olds nostalgics. But ask the youth if the know what ff is and plan to play. Not gonna happen".
Was on the thread "FFXV Team Ambition is to sell 10 Millions of units", this shows that he don't like Diversity in games, a JRPG, that already sold more than 110 Millions within 30 Years, and "People don't care anymore", this is the franchise i care the most, and i have 16 Years old, isn't youth enought for him ?.
HylianYoshi said: OK, yep. Pachter confirmed forum shitposter. |
I bet he has a GFaqs account...
kitler53 said: title of the OP feels like bait. in content patcher is very much right. TLG and shenmue 3 aren't going to be 10M+ sellers like uncharted or TLoU. |
But... everyone knows that TLG and Shenmue 3 won't sell 10M+ so even if we ignore his "lame games" his comment is still highly redundant at best. That's no surprise though. He's been named Mr. 50% Obvious/50% Oblivious for a reason.
Swordmasterman said:
Once again, Final Fantasy 13 Versus, was cancelled, they had to do everything again, changes the History and some things, changed the name for the game have a bigger budget, and the Director once stated that the Game, don't have a different budget than The Witcher 3, or Metal Gear Solid V, the game might had 100-120 Millions of Budget, i think. |
The game wasnt canceled. They most likely changed the name for two reasons:
1) Making it a full Final Fantasy game instead of a side game is more fulfilling based on the development effort. Its also the first game to truly show off the new direction which the FF series is going.
2) Microsoft wanted to get their hands on the game so the only other way to make the same game get into Microsofts hands legally was by changing the name.
Final Fantasy is the primary title of Square and for reasons beyond just business they must make sure it stays their top feature. The name was changed because it was best for business, not because it was cancelled. That short changes a decade (or more) worth of work.
Swordmasterman said:
Forget it Bralord, is useless to argue with this guy, it seems that for him the only good thing is Mainstream, and everything that don't sell like Call of Duty, don't deserve love, and don't receive love, just a Few posts and already is this.
we need to Bash Anything that Pachter Says, he is the kind of person that is Paid to give his Personal Opinion, he doesn't even make a Market Research, this is just Personal Opinion, something he saw on TV, or some Rumors that he Spread, maybe even his Personal Preference.
And as to why you cant argue with NXGamerz, because it will not lead to nothing, here is what he said about Final Fantasy XV "My guess, too This is an ps2 era game. The gaming landscape changed. How cares about ff anymore? Some 30 years olds nostalgics. But ask the youth if the know what ff is and plan to play. Not gonna happen". Was on the thread "FFXV Team Ambition is to sell 10 Millions of units", this shows that he don't like Diversity in games, a JRPG, that already sold more than 110 Millions within 30 Years, and "People don't care anymore", this is the franchise i care the most, and i have 16 Years old, isn't youth enought for him ?. |
what a shit post
and mainstream does not deserve love? games that are played and liked by millions?
just because theire preference is different form yours? yours is the better one? the one that deservs more love? wow. just wow
and i never said the game does not deserve any love. i just said, that pachter does not deserve hate for calling it lame and dislike it.
just like you do not deserve hate if you find call of duty lame. but you do deserve hate for this post.
so keep up your fight.
the post in that ff topic was a hyperbole to point the picture of today in an extrem way. obviously someone will always care about something.
so for final fantasy. doesn't change the fact, that the masses won't anymore like 10 or 15 years ago, when the game was at it's prime
and funny enought ff was the mainstream back in these days - lol
Banned - Miguel_Zorro
aLkaLiNE said: But seriously, we should make a legitimate forum rule that posting anything from Patcher is a ban worthy offense. From what I've seen, an intelligible discussion has never come from his threads. |
JRPGfan said: Why does everything that doesnt sell 10s of millions of unit end up called Niche? |
Because in 2016 we now have the top 10 game titles account for 30% of all game unit sales.
In fact, 12% of all games released in 2015 account for around 75% of all revenue at retail/download.
Big budget games these days either need to go big or risk losing a lot of money. So publishers are creating AAA games like The Division, Destiny etc... that are guaranteed to sell 10m+