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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Opinion: Most Japanese developers need to go to mobile gaming.

NightDragon83 said:
The problem here is that the Japanese gaming audience has pretty much gone nearly all-in for mobile, so Japanese developers are going to have no choice but to focus more on the mobile market.



I can see OP's point, and why, but in that case it will be a big failure from their part. Most of the problem comes from them not wanting to adapt sooner and better to the new audiences.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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The day they go mobile only is the day they are dead to me.

Aside from handheld games. I can't see a profitable market for major titles like Legend of Zelda, Bloodborne, MGSV, Final Fantasy, reCORE etc.
Smartphone gaming is indeed a type of gaming, but it won't satisfied the hardcore nor even the gamer, infact. When you put major titles like I listed above into mobile. The fanbase of those would ofc, feel betrayed. I don't know about Nintendo fans, but if i ever see Bloodborne or MGSV, Final Fantasy on Smartphone as the MAIN game then i would be so fkingly pissed off at Sony and Konami, Square :(.
I don't mind if it's spin-off tho, just don't ABANDONED the AAA title/Main game then im all cool with it.

Its sad that I knew exactly who would author this by reading the title

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Your right, Nintendo and sony should leave the console business. Or you know, you could play all the western games you want and ignore, in your opinion, the inferior Japanese games.

I for one quite like Japanese games. They're different even if they're not sometimes fully polished. 

Nautilus said:
*Picks up pitchfork and torch*

*an adventurer has joined the party*

mornelithe said:

ahhahhahahah that is the best reply ever :D

Ummm... No. Just no. Japanese devs weren't porting many games last gen because of the PS3's lack of success for the majority of the gen. That is why there's this perception by some that japanese devs/pubs aren't what they used to be.

mornelithe said:

Oh, I hope no mod knows what you wrote^^ that's a bit crazy if you ask me.