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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman Vs Superman is at 872.66 million WW- Final update, with some DVD/Blu-Ray sale charts



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Okie_Loki said:
DakonBlackblade said:

There are articles saying exactly what you are saying here, anyone with any critical sense will agree with you, and yet fans will clain because itll end up making somewhere around 860-880 M worldwide it was a smashing sucess. Ppl realy need to put the box office of this movie in perspective, its like if the first Avengers movie had made 850M worldwide, Disney wouldve shut down the MCU on the spot. Only reason Warner wont do the same and reboot the whole thing is because they can´t afford to,  they already made too many mistakes with Super Heroes movies, they don´t have public trust anymore, they need to get what they started, turn it around and make it work.

The Avengers isn't a fair comparison in any way, and I think you should realize that considering how well thought your post is. 

How well established was the MCU when the first Avengers broke? 6 films? 7? This is the SECOND film in the DCEU - Green Lantern would have been first but they're scratching that entirely and rebooting. Man of Steel was the ONLY stepping stone for BvS and for it to reach $800 million IS a success in its own right. And for such a success Deadpool was and how Marvel fans are screamimg about it, BvS surpassed it WW already. Of course, we can't deny how sluggish this has been since week 1, but it wasn't a complete failure either. It'll inch close to $900 million which is impressive no matter how you spin it. Do I agree that in many ways this should have easily hit $1 billion? Yes, and I do blame some of that on Snyder and the critics reactions to the film. If the film had even 50% favorable reviews, it'd probably be over $900 million this weekend. It was slaughtered by critics (right or wrong), and it's up to WB to learn from BvS and make Justice League and the rest of the DCEU better. 

The fact that this movie is the second of the DCCU is Warners fault, they tried to pull waht Marvel did in 2 movie sinstead of setting it up properly. But this movie is the first time the DC holy trinity is seen on screen together we gota keep in mind Batman and Super Man are the 2 most popular super heroes on the planet, and the production costs and marketing machine behind this was homungous. It also benefit greatl from the overall sucess of super hero movies, ppll like seing these movies nowadays. This should have had Avengers numbers on the box office and jusging by its first week numbers it would have had if it was a good movie. IThe professional critics had an impact but the main problem was the lackluster word of mouth.


900M (wich I dont think itll do, itll end around 880M) is an awesome number in absolute terms, its not so awesome considering the investment and the potential this movie had. I think itdve been much more profitable and inteligent for Warner to set up the DCCu slowly, launchng 3-4 smaler,less risky movies first and only them doing a team up one when we already cared enought about the characters to invest ourselves in their conflics. 

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Yes, let's compare older movies which have only Batman or Superman in it and from a time where China was nothing to talk about with a movie from 2016, a time where we will get some billion sellers every single year and with Batman and Superman fighting against each other. As if such a clash between these two wouldn't get the interest of many more people as long as the movie would be good.

If movies like Deadpool could beat BvsS (in theory, it didn't release in China and has 100m+ less revenue because of this) you realize how "low" BvsS numbers are even if it will make a ton of money.

BvsS with a good quality as billion seller was a pretty sure bet, the numbers from release show this as well but then there was word of mouth and it dropped like a rock. Even the first Sunday already shows this, it dropped already so short after release and as longer the movie was out as more people told their friends that it's nothing they need to see.

The only good thing which happend to this movie was the first days WW before people could tell their friends to rather stay at home...that saved the movie, money form people who didn't know much about the quality^^

Lawlight said:
People forget that both Superman Returns and Batman Begins did not gross much. And for however much people like the MCU, only 3 movies grossed more.

Well, until may, because by then it'll be four. when Civil War comes out and beats it. 

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spurgeonryan said:
crissindahouse said:

Yes, let's compare older movies which have only Batman or Superman in it and from a time where China was nothing to talk about with a movie from 2016, a time where we will get some billion sellers every single year and with Batman and Superman fighting against each other. As if such a clash between these two wouldn't get the interest of many more people as long as the movie would be good.

If movies like Deadpool could beat BvsS (in theory, it didn't release in China and has 100m+ less revenue because of this) you realize how "low" BvsS numbers are even if it will make a ton of money.

BvsS with a good quality as billion seller was a pretty sure bet, the numbers from release show this as well but then there was word of mouth and it dropped like a rock. Even the first Sunday already shows this, it dropped already so short after release and as longer the movie was out as more people told their friends that it's nothing they need to see.

The only good thing which happend to this movie was the first days WW before people could tell their friends to rather stay at home...that saved the movie, money form people who didn't know much about the quality^^

Actually The Dark Knight Rises made 3 million less in China than BvsS. If we wanted to go that route. Lets not forget that a lot of people really liked the movie. Some even on this site, more than a few, watched it multiple times. So you can bash a movie all you want, but there comes a point when everyone must admit that people like different things. Look at the recent Star Fox game for instance. Personally hate it. Others seem to be in love with it.



Now, according to most sites this movie will not make it to 900 million anymore. Disappointing. But still decent. I know the marketing was high. I see movies like The Jungle Book getting just a small fraction of the marketing BvsS got, which amazes me. That movie is making bank! But BvsS marketing went on for six months! They spent way too much!


Last week BvsS made about 8 million over the weekend in the international market. About five million domestically. If we are lucky it will push out another 10-20 million in the international market and the same domestic. I guess depending on how long each area lets it limp along will tell us how much it is going to make. But Civil War next weekend will most likely kill it. Amazing that Captain America, which in my opinion had a horrible start, is now going to easily crush and probably slam past a billion due to Iron Man.


In case anyone is following the Star Wars thread it is still being updated and seems to push out a million each week or so. By the time it gets totally out of theaters it could add another million. Still not enough to take out Avatar, but very impressive!

Dark Knight Rises made obviously less in China as BvsS, because the Chinese cinema market is growing like crazy (more than quadrupled in the last 5 years, DKR released 4 years ago). That's exactly why I'm mentioning China all the time...If the Chinese market of some years ago would have been the same as it is in 2016, then many more movies would have made more as BvS will make. If Dark Knight Rises or many other movies which people mention from the past to show how "good" BvsS is doing. No, considering the market situation of 2016 which gives BvsS a big advantage compared to movies released some years ago, BvsS isn't doing that great.

And well, it's not as if I want to bash BvsS for any stupid reasons. I'm not one of these Marvel vs DC fanboys or anything (I mean, The Dark Knight destroys all other movies from Marvel). I just look realistically on the market we have now and for this market, anything below $1bn is really low for a huge movie where Batman and Superman clash against each other. 

The move will surely make a nice profit, but it will make less in ticket sales and less in later sales on disc as it could have made if people would like it more. The movie will probably fall to a 6.x on IMDB after 500k+ votes, this is not great for a super expensive superhero movie. Word of mouth wasn't that great and only the huge launch without word of mouth saved the movie from even less revenue. 

spurgeonryan said:
But Mr Robert Downey,

Despite Nolan being a genious and pushing Batman to new heights, no other Batman or Superman ever got anywhere near a billion.

Inflation says otherwise. The first Superman movie would have grossed 1,101,934,918