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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Reviews - 31% RT

I dont really understand how anyone could prefer AoU to this.
AoU is the COD of movies, and BvS is more like the Halo of movies. Totally different level of  ambitions.

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Aerys said:

I dont really understand how anyone could prefer AoU to this.
AoU is the COD of movies, and BvS is more like the Halo of movies. Totally different level of  ambitions.

People don't like ambition in blockbusters. They like boom boom pew pew one liner. 

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

39%? Woof. Don't see long legs for this one.

Lawlight said:
crissindahouse said:
Will see it in 15 hours in an expensive cinema sitting on the most expensive seats. I don't really expect much but I hope I won't think the money was totally wasted^^

Same for except for me it'll be in 30 hours. Think to yourself - it can't be worse than AoU, Deadpool or TFA.

Deadpool and TFA are legitimately decent movies. Don't think BvS is going to come close to either of those. 

At least it's not 11% fresh like Batman & Robin was.

I don't look at the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB. A lot of movies I absolutely love got shit scores there, which let me know that their scores aren't indicative of anything. Most of the movies I think are "good" are in the 40-60% range, and only the movies I think are "omg you have to see this movie" are 90+, which aren't that many films. I liked The Mummy Returns. Got a 47% on RT

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irstupid said:
Toxy said:
After reading the review, RT just wanted this to be another Marvel movie.
I have nothing against Marvel, but isn't that the point of DC? Something different? If they were both the same, superhero movies would become stale quickly.

I have read many reviews stating that this movie is excellent and many have stated that it is better than Man of Steel (I actually enjoyed Man of Steel).

Don't let reviews effect your opinion of a movie. Watch it for yourself and come to your own conclusion. Don't be sheep.

Not to mention DC touches a lot of themes. All it takes is one theme to be something your touchy about and they slam it. Take Man of Steel. I can see a few reviewers giving the movie a rotten score just for the two small scenes in a 2 1/2 hour movie that simbalized Superman as Jesus.  

But the movie had 10 other themes going on that were integral to the story that were executed perfectly imo, yet they got turned off by Jesus. 

That's true. Superman has always had religious symbolism that has offended those who are religious. Hell in the pilot episode of Smallville Clark is strung up in the corn field in a matter that almost looks as if he has been crucified. 

People who are offended by such imagery are just going to dislike DC properties no matter what DC throws at them.
I like both DC and Marvel mind you, however, I do find that there has been a strong bias towards Marvel as of late.

Marvel has some excellent films in its backlog, Deadpool being the most recent. People will probably think this is blasphemy, but I disliked The Avengers movie. I didn't like its depiction of Loki, and they definitely did not handle the Hulk properly. There was also never any sense of threat within The Avengers. Watching the movie, I always knew everything would be okay. There was never a sense of impending doom or threat. That and they tried to make every scene have a catch phrase. The jokes were overkill.

The first Iron Man movie was excellent. It managed to balance both suspense and humour. 


Deadpool can get away with mostly being funny, because well... its freaking Deadpool, what do you expect?

Daredevil is such a good TV series. It is dark, gritty, and yet it still has the just the right amount of humour thrown in that it doesn't take away anything from the actual theme of the series.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice looks like it will be an incredible setup for the Justice League. Those who say otherwise are (for the most part) Marvel fanboys. They will typically hate on anything DC puts out. The same thing can be seen in the console space. There are some console owners who wish that there console of choice would be the only one to have some sort of success. It is as if they feel threatened in some way if their preference is not always number 1 on the radar of other individuals.

"How do you like such and such? You should only like this, because I said so. Everything should be like this because this is what I like, and people should do as I say. If you like what I don't like, than you're an idiot" - this is essentially how I view a lot fanboys.

A lot of the negativity surrounding this film seems to be around the fact that the movie is philosophical. What so movies are not allowed to be thought provoking at all?

The other negative aspect I seem to stumble upon is that it is not like Marvel, because it lacks the humour of Marvel films. So? They never marketed the film as a comedy. If they did, than yes, it would be a failure. Not every movie has to have a catch phrase in every scene. Hell that is what I disliked about The Avengers. The humour was forced. They tried to turn every scene into a joke. Even Loki was a punchline for the Hulk to push around. Also, if the Hulk was always angry he would always be the Hulk. I think they missed the point of Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk when he is angry. 

Essentially the complaints are: If you were expecting this movie to be like Marvel, it isn't, so it is not very good.

How is this supposed to be taken seriously? If DC and Marvel were the same, superhero movies would get stale really fast.

I really enjoyed Deadpool and Daredevil. Two Marvel properties that are completely different to one another. They both respect the source material and were executed excellently.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice looks like it is truthful to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. This can only mean good things. Frank Miller's comic was not humourous, so why should this movie deviate from that?

LOL whoever made this is a genius.

Toxy said:

The other negative aspect I seem to stumble upon is that it is not like Marvel, because it lacks the humour of Marvel films. So? They never marketed the film as a comedy. If they did, than yes, it would be a failure. Not every movie has to have a catch phrase in every scene. Hell that is what I disliked about The Avengers. The humour was forced. They tried to turn every scene into a joke. Even Loki was a punchline for the Hulk to push around. Also, if the Hulk was always angry he would always be the Hulk. I think they missed the point of Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk when he is angry. 

Well, yeah, I must say that after reading more reviews some of them complain about the lack of fun. Which I don't think it's necessary. I more worried about other aspects of the movie, but that's definitely a non-issue for me in a movie which is pretty much a Batman film, and some of its original source is far from "fun".

Toxy said:

A lot of the negativity surrounding this film seems to be around the fact that the movie is philosophical. What so movies are not allowed to be thought provoking at all?

The other negative aspect I seem to stumble upon is that it is not like Marvel, because it lacks the humour of Marvel films. So? They never marketed the film as a comedy. If they did, than yes, it would be a failure. Not every movie has to have a catch phrase in every scene. Hell that is what I disliked about The Avengers. The humour was forced. They tried to turn every scene into a joke. Even Loki was a punchline for the Hulk to push around. Also, if the Hulk was always angry he would always be the Hulk. I think they missed the point of Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk when he is angry. 

Essentially the complaints are: If you were expecting this movie to be like Marvel, it isn't, so it is not very good.

How is this supposed to be taken seriously? If DC and Marvel were the same, superhero movies would get stale really fast.

I really enjoyed Deadpool and Daredevil. Two Marvel properties that are completely different to one another. They both respect the source material and were executed excellently.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice looks like it is truthful to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. This can only mean good things. Frank Miller's comic was not humourous, so why should this movie deviate from that?

@bolded: I completely agree. I don't want DC and Marvel to be the same. I'm glad they're taking different approaches to their respective Cinematic Universes. It'll ensure that they don't all start feeling the same.