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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nikkei: Nintendo ceasing Wii U production at the end of the year

dongo8 said:

 As far as Wii U owners being happy, how can they be upset?

Constant game droughts and delays, hardly any ambitious games, still no proper Zelda.

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zippy said:
MegaDrive08 said:
I dont think ill bother with the NX either, if that rumoured control is real, i dont like the look of it at all, would have to blow my socks off for me to consider purchasing it.

Im not buying NX. Nintendo have just pissed me off time after time this gen, and I haven't the money to invest into yet more hardware. In fact, if I had the money I still wouldnt buy the NX. I would prob get Playstation VR instead lol

Yeah, I'm not planning to get an NX either, the last 5 years have destroyed my faith in Nintendo and they'd have to perform a miracle to get me to buy hardware from them again.

I was a diehard Nintendo fan since 1994, but there's only so much disappointment I can take.

And no, I'm not salty about this particular relevation, I've expected it for some time, it makes logical sense; I'm salty about all the last 5 year's worth of delays, droughts, and unambitious play-it-safe laziness.

I only bought a Wii U a year ago and I am not angry at all about this news. If anything, this news makes my Wii U more valuable to me and a makes it into a console that will one day be regarded in the same light as the Dreamcast. Unless the NX offers backwards compatibility, the Wii U will for sure have a few gems that will be for a long time relegated to the fans who were courageous enough to buy a Wii U.

Now, here is to hoping that the NX opens a new (and much more successful) chapter in Nintendo's life.

cycycychris said:
Welp, this is looking very overwhelmingly that they are releasing NX console in 2016. Shame that they abused the Wii U over the years. Judging by the sounds that by christmas, they will be completely done with making any new systems, I'm guessing Zelda U really is coming to NX. Unless in some way the NX manages to be Backwards compatible.

RIP Wii U, I hope Nintendo keeps your online for years to come.

They pretty much have to put ZeldaU on the NX at this point. Otherwise there wouldnt be a new Zelda game on the console for at least three years after launch.

zippy said:
MegaDrive08 said:
I dont think ill bother with the NX either, if that rumoured control is real, i dont like the look of it at all, would have to blow my socks off for me to consider purchasing it.

Im not buying NX. Nintendo have just pissed me off time after time this gen, and I haven't the money to invest into yet more hardware. In fact, if I had the money I still wouldnt buy the NX. I would prob get Playstation VR instead lol

While I can understand being pissed off at Nintendo for the Wii U, I would not put much faith in Sony in regards to the PSVR. They have a bad history of not supporting anything not named PS 1-4. 

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To be fair this could still be both NX home and handheld which is what most people that disagreed with a home console ONLY in 2016. 3DS is getting the usual game that ends handheld lives(Pokemon). Ninty has released a new Pokemon after a new handheld before. So both coming still isn't exactly impossible. NX home and handheld willsimple take over most of Nintys resources while 3ds keeps Pokemon and smaller support awhile longer. WiiU getting discontinued first is simply due to sales. 3DS will only last alittle longer due to higher baseline and Pokemon.

CaptainExplosion said:

Just like it's too soon to kill the Wii U.

Not the same situation at all.

Mystro-Sama said:

Usually you keep selling the previous console for a year or two after next gen comes out before discontinuing it.

Usually there's demand though.

JWeinCom said:
I'm genuinely excited to see how those 2017 people rationalize this.

Production ceasing in "2016" refers to the French Republican calendar, not the Gregorian one. Smart money's on the last unit rolling off the lines in Floreal, though Germinal is a dark horse candidate.

RolStoppable said:

No, you are a special case.

Mario Kart is an IP that sells over the whole lifetime of a system, sells the hardware itself and with DLC it's possible to give the game fresh new impulses every now and then. It makes all the sense in the world to have a new Mario Kart available in a system's first year or at the very least its second year. There's no such thing as too soon.

Except in this case where it is 100% too soon. MK8 will still sell on the NX, and the NX is not going to be a platform restricted by physical hardware, so they can wait to release a new Mario Kart. And they will.

spemanig said:
RolStoppable said:

No, you are a special case.

Mario Kart is an IP that sells over the whole lifetime of a system, sells the hardware itself and with DLC it's possible to give the game fresh new impulses every now and then. It makes all the sense in the world to have a new Mario Kart available in a system's first year or at the very least its second year. There's no such thing as too soon.

Except in this case where it is 100% too soon. MK8 will still sell on the NX, and the NX is not going to be a platform restricted by physical hardware, so they can wait to release a new Mario Kart. And they will.

Since when did Nintendo ever rely on a previous console game to sell a new one?